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Anyone else go to a winter concert for their kid or stepkid? Don't judge me

TickedOff's picture

Don't judge me. I went to DD's 1st grade winter concert last night and it got ugly. It was over crowded. I had DD7 dressed in a white frilly dress with glittered snowman hair clips in her raven hair and white mini heels so she stood out. The dress code was just dress your kid in white. Anyways so yeah my pumpkin was looking pretty as a picture and had a speaking part. I wanted to record it but of course as soon as they are about to preform everyone wants to stand their assess up. I'm 5ft3 so even if I stand up I can't see. The principal asked everyone to sit or neal so that everyone would be able to see thier kids. This b*tch infornt of me didn't get the memo. She could still see if she sat down. I was nice at first " excuse me I can't see my daughter". She has the nerves to say that's not her problem and raise her phone high blocking my view even more. Another mom and dad asked her to sit she ignored. DH flagged down the principal who asked her to sit. She got nasty with the principal. I took off my earings and my wedding ring and was like " look I'm missing the whole thing if you don't sit down I will be in your ear the whole time or we can take it outside what you wanna do"?. She whispered to me you don't want to start with me and then sat down. DH pulled me back to my seat. Don't judge me. I got to see my pumpkin do her speaking part. she isn't going to be little like this forever. I want to capture these memories. I may have gotten a little italian ghetto and maybe it wasn't the right course of action but hey. Again don't judge me.


askYOURdad's picture

Not only am I not judging you, but I kind of have a crush on you!


TickedOff's picture

aww thanks. I don't do to well with people trying my paitence. I tried to be nice though.

3familiesIn1's picture

Good for you. Last year I had a nightmare at a similar event. I am also 5'3" so I hear you loud and clear. This woman came in carting her starbucks and making everyone move and shift so she could plop her ass in front of me, then proceeded to stand... then proceeded to yap and cat call for her kid, myself and others around her were asking her to sit her ass down which she ignored.

I had some notarized documents with me to pass to my XH who was there somewhere. WELL if the bitch didn't turn and spill her friggin coffee ALL.OVER my documents.

Yeah, I lost it.

I said you fucking bitch, those are important documents what the fuck is wrong with you... she left ... A few wide eyed parents gave me some space, she was about to have all 5'3" ex-hockey playing ass all over her cushie brand name star bucks self if she hadn't backed the hell out.

I get it Smile

TickedOff's picture

yesss girl. If that would have been me DH would have had to lift my little ass up and carry me out of there. On your important documents oh nooooo. It wouldn't have been me lol.

TickedOff's picture

lol SM's are the worse ones to try. We deal with sh*t on a daily please do not press the red button or prepare for impact.

twoviewpoints's picture

I really should not laugh, but I am. I had to go through these yearly concerts/programs for waaaaayyy too many years (I spread my kids out, have one in his 30s and my last is now just short of 14).

Parents were smashed in the gym on rows of chairs. Tighter than tight. People trying to save whole rows of chairs. People sitting right on the end and making others crawl over to get to the one or two middle chairs nobody wanted. Of course the odd couple with body orders to choke a horse. Oh and the best, the precious looking toddler behind us that pulled my hair, dripped snot over my shoulder....ah, nothing like a good ol' school concert/program Biggrin

Husband and I got good at this over the years. I sent him down early to stake our place to sit along with whichever kid wasn't performing. Kiddo not performing 'job' was to stand in my camera/vid cam spot. Oh and high quality cameras to do the 'just right zoom ins'. We had it down to a smooth routine after the first few bad experiences.

But, yeah, I'm bad. I must confess to 'oops, I'm sorry I accidently stepped on your foot' Wink and yep, a few got a hip shove and I can recall the time I told one child (she was cute as a button) that I would get up and have a talk with her mother (all the while glaring at the mother) if kid so much as stuck that gum kid was pulling and stretching out of kid's mouth toward my hair. Oh good times. Good times.

You did fine. In a couple years you'll be a pro at these things.

ctnmom's picture

Were we twins separated at birth? LOL I actually am a naturally cheerful person, but do not mess with my kids, or get in between my kids and me. DO NOT. DH jokes that when I feel my kids are under any type of threat I turn into a werewolf- complete with fangs and hair on the back of my hands. }:) You could completely tell me off and cuss me out and I'd be like "ok fine, sorry you feel that way". But DON'T FUCK WITH MY KIDS. Biggrin

TickedOff's picture

ctnmom I know that's right lol. F*ck with my kid and get f*cked up lol. excuse the language just speaking the truth. And don't block me from seeing her first winter preformance either!

Uncledog's picture

Kudos! The obnoxious troll-spittle lady deserved it. Nothing to judge, I mean, you are a proper lady, removing your ring and all before a potential bloodbath!