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Please I need your advise on this

NoraAstepmom's picture

I don't get along with my husband adult step daughter or her husband. I'm sure you all are aware of this. Its really pretty sad to be honest. 5 years I have kissed there butt swallowed my pride when it comes to them. I just cant bring myself to do it anymore. I kissed there butt because I love my husband, He wants us all to get along and I did also but after 5 years of getting no where with them I just don't want to do it anymore. I'm tired. Well I'm going to my husband friends funeral , my husband is at his step daughters he wanted me to stop by and pick him up at there house. I told him I would just meet him at his friends house. I'm not trying to be mean I just don't want to go to there place. Please tell me if I'm wrong. From where I live it will take me about 4 to 4 1/2 hours to get to his friends house. My husband has his car so I feel he could just meet me there. Please your advise is needed here.

NoraAstepmom's picture

I have never been able to tell him how I really feel about them, He acts like they walk on water. My husbands 2 other kids and my husbands stepdaughters husband feel that my husband is very attached to his stepdaughter because she looks and reminds him so much of his late wife. Sad isn't it. I feel bad that this family lost there mom and wife. I try to be so understanding about it all and have for 5 years. I feel like I'm looking through a window wanting to be my husbands wife but in my heart I know that his love is still with her, I also understand this. He says he is past that but he isn't it shows. His wife was taking from him it wasn't through a divorce. (auto accident)
They come here and tell me every bad thing they can to get me out of this marriage. Things they have said is not my business. No reason to tell me about any of it. And everytime they come here I tell myself its a new beginning but no it always turns out to be the same. Like I'm suppost to keep taking it. Like I said I'm tired of it and don't want to deal with it any longer. I don't have a problem him seeing them he can see them all he wants. he needs to put himself in my shoes.

NoraAstepmom's picture

Good idea Karmaqueen

Hi Honey,

I wanted to write this letter to you. First I want to say everything I'm about to say is not to be mean or hurtful. Its how I feel in my heart, I hope you can take the time to read this please.
We have been together 5 years now, I wasn't looking to get remarried again but I fell in love with you, You were funny and always made me laugh, you were so kind to me. In return all I could give back to you was to be a great wife to you or it least try and to love you tell the end of time. But most of all I wanted to be that person that could make you smile for the rest of your life. I have tried to talk to you about these issues a few times in the past. But you would always say you don't want to here it and if I didn't shut the F**k up you were going back to tinbucktoo. I have tried very hard to even just be a friend to your adult kids. When you took me to meet your kids I told them I was very sorry to here about there mom. That I'm not here to take her place but that I would very much like for us to be friends. Your son and your youngest daughter seem to welcome me. I was so nervous because I loved you so much and wanted to be excepted by them. From the second time I met your stepdaughter and her husband when you wanted me to go in and get to know them it started. Telling me I should get a job and make my own car payments that I was reaping the rewards of your former wife's death. I had a job but you asked me to leave my jobs to move to a different state with you. There was more to that conversation that made me feel unconvertible. I came to you about it and you said you would have a talk to them. You did but was told they never said that. Nothing became of it, and that's fine I figured that if they new I had talked to you about it they would get the hint I'm not here to hurt anyone. Just trying to be your wife. Over the 5 years we have been together They have said some pretty harsh things to me. The second time I said something to you about it and what was said you seemed upset and when we all got together to talk about it and what was said I never felt so alone in all my life it was my word against the both of them. I had no reason to lie to you. So then your daughter says that I have bad mouthed your wife and you told her that ,wasn't true and she started crying and you felt sorry for her and told her you didn't mean to make her cry and went on to say that sometimes in a situation things get twisted or turned around, you made me feel like this was my fault. I have never bad mouth your wife. All the other times on there visits its always the same who is getting what, what do you have in the bank, life insurance policy's, talk my dad into getting a living will or trust. I told them this was none of my business this was something they needed to talk to you about. I also told them when they started bad mouthing you and that you should feel guilt over your wife's death for the rest of your life they needed to tell this to you. But I did add that no one should have to live with guilt for the rest of there life. She was in a car accident, it wasn't his fault. I could go on and on but that's not what I want. All I ever wanted was to just be excepted and not be made to feel like I'm an outsider, nor to here you tell me that I'm just jealous. Why would I be jealous of someone that doesn't act very nice or talks with ugly words. I feel I have tried to be friends with them for so long and nothing has worked except ugly talk. You always over look it and that's ok to. You tell me they tell you that they love me, I'm sorry but when you love someone you don't keep trying time after time to hurt someone. I think they say it for your benefit and nothing more. You want me to get over it, Its hard to get over it when you keep excusing there behavior. I shouldn't have to prove to you that I'm telling you the truth. I have no reason to lie. By their actions I don't ever see us becoming the best of friends I'm sorry to say. I tried honey I'm not going to beg anyone to like me they either do or don't I can live with it. But you being my husband shouldn't expect me to keep taking there bad behavior even if they are your kids. If mine ever acted this way I would give them a what for. I have so much love for you and knowing you wanted us to get along with each other that I kissed there behinds and swallowed my own pride because of the love I have for you. I'm in no way saying this to hurt you but I have lost some respect for you, your my husband you should have heard me out. I have never stopped you from seeing your kids I have never asked you to put me before them and I wouldn't but you could have said this is my wife please show her some respect, but you couldn't do that, If it were the other way around I would have had your back, your my husband. I love you and hope that you are not upset with what I have said but it comes from my heart and its how I feel. your wife.