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No I don't feel like doting on your daughter's child DH!

Disillusioned's picture

Every time we go to any family function that H's eldest daughter will be at H insists we bring something for SGS, it's like it's the kid's birthday every time we see him. Anyway, then H will insist that I be the one to give SGS the gift, and DH will make a big fuss about how "Grandma-Disillusioned picked it out, etc.. etc..."

This causes tension between us because H's eldest is making it one of her missions in life I think to PAS SGS against me. And equally irksome are the constant little things she does to rub in my face that she doesn't consider me part of her family, let alone SGS' the last time we were together and she pulls out a bunch of pictures of H and SGS that were taken the previous visit. I was there on this visit with DH and SGS even made a point of coming to see me and ended up on my knee but not only were there no pictures to be seen that I was included in of course but she puts about 15 of the pictures out and then says to DH and his family "these pictures are for you Dad, Papa and Auntie" She says to H, H's sister and FIL that between the three of them they can take the pictures they like. I'm right beside H but no mention of "Dad and Disillusioned" of course. Grrrr!

Just one of many little things H's eldest does to 'keep me in my place' but of course H still insists on the gifts for SGS every time and making it out to be that I'm the one doting and spoiling SGS.

I adore the child and have no issue with him of course. But by doing what H wants it only gives his daughter the satisfaction of having me gravel and butt-kiss her child just all the more satisfaction for her when deliberately excluding me and making me feel as nothing more than how she views me, as H's wife

The next visit is coming up and I know H is going to start the same routine. It doesn't help to calmly tell him no, this is your grandchild you give him the gift or no since you bought it you give it to him from us or just come out and say no, after the way your daughter excludes me and the way that makes me feel I don't want it to appear I'm the one buying things for and spoiling her child.

I've tried all three responses and H always insists, there is always tension, and I always end up feeling that H's daughter is just smirking to herself loving treating me like a door-mat

Since I can't get out of going to the next one, any suggestions for how to tell DH no?

Merry's picture

What will happen if you really insist on NO? "DH, this really makes me uncomfortable and you know why, so I'd really rather you give him the gift." And then walk away. If you don't have the gift in your hands, you can't give it to the little guy. If there is tension, it is of DH's doing. In the past, when you caved in and gave him the gift to alleviate DH's tension, didn't that cause YOU some tension and upset? Take care of YOU since nobody else will.

Seems a silly thing for DH to insist on anyway.

TASHA1983's picture

I would never do that or allow DH to make me feel like I have to do that either. SD is having her cake and eating it too! She gets to treat you like dog shit and her kid gets free shit from "you" (so to speak).

Your H is very selfish and insensitive to put you on the spot like that and essentially make you do something you are not comfortable doing. Please stand up to him and tell him flat out NO! I love the GK but I will not be made to give the child a gift that did not come from me and give YOUR daughter the satisfaction of thinking that it is from me when she treats me like dirt ON PURPOSE. Period.

Yes, it may be uncomfortable and he may get mad BUT you will have the satisfaction of NOT being a doormat to your H and your SD and also for standing up for yourself! You are your own boss my friend! Smile

Disillusioned's picture

Thanks Merry, I think I will do exactly that!

You are so correct TASHA1983...this is exactly the situation! Thanks for the advice Smile

whatamess's picture

Can you talk to him beforehand so you can avoid talking to him on the spot and go in depth at how you feel? Then, if that doesn't work, the walk away thing if he doesn't "hear" you?

Disillusioned's picture

I love that one Karmaqueen...I think I am so going to have to try it Dirol

Daddy's wife's picture

When why dd was little my friends used to take a present for my dd every time they came round. Even though I thought it was nice off them I asked polite if they could stop it. First of all, the child thinks it is normal they receive presents all the time, second I want my child to like them for who they are, not for what they bring them. And third birthdays and christmases mean nothing anymore when it is christmas all year round.