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Any Advice from the been there done that???

Run-down-mommy's picture

I have 3 kids and 1 sd (2 of my kids from a previous relationship and the youngest is mine and dh child together) My dh has played the role of an excellent father figure to my children since we got together 2 years ago. More recently we started getting his daughter on a regular basis, every other thursday through sunday. (His ex hasn't quite let go of him and wouldn't let us get sd because I was now in the picture up until court several month's ago when she had no choice but to let us have her) Anyways, like I said he's been an excellent sf, up until we started getting sd regularly. Now when sd comes for her visits it's as if my children and I don't exist. He completely ignores my kids (one which is also his) and me. Sd doesn't have to follow the rules of the home either that are supposed to be for all members of the family. Dh and I have discussed this situation and I have explained to him that this behavior from his will cause a lot of resentment between the other children and myself. He agreed to change and that sd should follow house rules like all the other kids. Dh does change.. sometimes. Some weekends are good and some are bad.
Not only does DH do this but so does his family members. My children are treated very differently than sd. She is highly favored. I understand that they have had a longer relationship with her but I want our children to be treated equally (especially my youngest, who is also biologically their family). I feel so immature, that i'm letting this situation get to me so much but I don't want favoritism or resentment between our children or between me and my sd! Any advice? How do I get the favoritism to stop??


yesican's picture

That is really a tough situation, but until your dh see what he is doing it will only keep causing a problem. I had a similar problem with my dh, was good with my bd's untill sk's came, the problem has lightened up and now it is only part of the time. He still allows sd's to act differently at times without realizing what he is doing. When this happens I usually take him aside and talk with him and bring to his attention examples of what he is doing. And things change for awhile then it seems like we are back at square one. Sometimes we have family meetings , our girls are all preteens, and we discuss what is expected of all of them and we stress that everyone is equal and they all have the same rules and we get them involved in the discussion, I think that helps them to think they have some imput. But ultimately we set the rules. Just stand your ground and keep calling him out when he does this. Everyone should be treated equally when they are all there. No one is more important or better because they are the oldest or they have been around longer. Good Luck!!!

...the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. - The Lion King