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The weekend is too close! :(

Run-down-mommy's picture

Only two more days til we get SD for the weekend. I'm dreading what sickness will be brought to share with the family this time! More problems with the MIL again too. She called last week to ask if she could come to get all the kids to take them to the pumpkin patch, when we told her that we didn't have darling SD she said she would call her BFF BM to ask if she could get SD for the event. BM had taken SD out of town and when MIL found this out, her car magically broke down so she wasn't able to come get the other children for the event. Now she wants us to bring the kids to see her this weekend because she knows we have SD, THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I'm ready for her to disappear until she can treat all the kids equally. This weekend is going to SUCK. I'm sure the bickering will begin right away between DH and I on Thursday, as it always does, because I refuse to bow down for SD's appearance!