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Good on DH...for once!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

No surprise to me, SD14 ANNOUNCED that she wanted to try out for drill team (i.e., dance) in December...this was after she went on and on about the day's color guard drama (yes, every single freaking day there is color guard drama that I have to hear about...I try to tune it out, but SD14 makes it a point to tell everyone in the house how much she hates the captain, how the captain really isn't that good, etc.). This is where it gets good...

DH flat out told SD14 that he did not want her in drill team. He pointed out that every time she has gotten into some kind of trouble, dance was involved, or at least people she knew through dance (the alcohol situation was supposedly to "calm nerves" before a recital, the naked picture fiasco involved a girl from the dance team, etc.). SD14 went on the immediate defensive saying she never got into trouble in dance, at which point DH listed out what he was talking about. DH also pointed out that is acts like a totally different person while she is in dance, and not in a good way. He said he had a lot of thinking to do, and she had a lot of proving to do...she had to keep her grades up, she had to not act like a brat, she had to learn to ignore the drama of color guard (as drill team is filled with even more drama, and if she cannot separate herself from it, she doesn't need to be in it), etc. DH basically told her she needs to be the person she is supposed to a leader not a follower...and from what he has seen, he can't trust her to do that, so she needs to prove to him. DH also told her that he is on to her "fakeness", so he needs to feel she is being genuine! Oh, and he also brought up the not eating (not the purging), and said there was no way he was going to let her be in dance if she doesn't eat right!

I just sat there speechless! What got into this man? LOL

Then, DH later gets a text from SD14 (she is in her room mind you) that she wants to go to the homecoming dance on Saturday. DH made her come out to the living room to talk to him about it. He flat out told her, "If your brother isn't going, you're not going! You are only 14, and you don't need to be at a dance where there will be 16, 17, and 18 year old boys without supervision!" My son got home shortly after, and DH asked him if he was going to the dance, and he said he had to work that night. DH mentioned that SD14 wanted to go, and BS18 said, "Even if I was going, she doesn't need to be there! That thing is nothing but a grind-fest!" (meaning that it is all about girls and guys grinding on each other in inappropriate ways). With that answer, DH called SD14 back out and told her she was NOT going to the dance! She made it clear she wasn't happy with this answer, and went of to her room.

What I don't understand is that DH found out SD14 has been talking to boys over Skype, and that these are boys that are not from her current school or her old school. He questions this, but he still allows her to have free, unsupervised access to the internet in her room on her tablet? Who knows what is going on in there! With all the sexting and crap these kids do these days (especially since she has a history of talking to older boys)...if I had any say, she would not be allowed unsupervised access! I would be holding her tablet for her, and if she wanted to use it, she could do it out on the couch with the rest of the family around!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture that felt awesome! So SD14 is supposed to be staying out of drama, per DH, and I'm so tired of every day having to hear that the color guard captain did this, or she did that, and she's clueless, etc. Today, the FIRST words out of SD14's mouth were "________ (color guard captain) is an idiot!" I simply told her that I did not want to hear about it, because she is supposed to be staying away from drama! SD14 tries to tell me that it isn't drama, that she is just stating a fact, and I point out that the fact she finds it necessary to say it as the first thing out of her mouth when she walks in the door means that it is drama, and I'm not going to be part of it any more because I don't want to hear it! She just rolled her eyes and said okay.


CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Reluctantly made SD14's homecoming mum today. Reluctant, because I know she will not appreciate it. With my bio-daughter, I looked forward to the making of the homecoming mum, because I knew she would cherish it as something mom made for her...even if it was a small mum because of budget. Not SD14! No, with her, it is EXPECTED because I did it for BD22. She started asking about it before school even started, and tried to convince me that I should make her a double or triple mum! No, for her it is all about flash, and trying to one up the color guard captain...a girl she claims to despise, yet she is turning into more and more each day! When school started, SD14 at least had her own lately, she has been dressing more and more prep from her rocker/grunge look. Again she is changing to please, rather than staying true to herself.

Now, I know many teens go through this, and it is sad. What is sadder is when they turn into snooty people with their noses so far up in the air they can't see those they are stepping on...and they think this is okay behavior! SD14 already had problems with respect...already thought the world revolved around her, but it is only getting worse. She basically threw a tantrum to DH the other day because the color guard captain got the solo instead of she expected DH to be one of those parents to call the director and demand his child be given X because she was unfairly treated, yadda, now, the kind of parent you see in Dance Moms or those other movies and shows where the moms will stoop to anything to make their daughter the head cheerleader or whatever. Yes, SD14 expects DH to be that kind of parent! She doesn't believe in earning anything!

So, yeah, I dreaded making the mum...because it is a simple mum...nothing super fancy. I made what we could afford to make, so she would have something (and this still ended up being a $60 mum when all was said and done). But I just know her little rival will come to school with a double or triple, or even two mums (one from parents, one from grandparents or boyfriend), and SD14 will simply smile at me and give me a fake act that she likes her mum, when in reality she is jealous because someone else's is better. Never mind that I made it with my own hands...never mind that it is still a beautiful, it will not be as big as the other girl's, so she will hate it.