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Valuable parenting moments missed

Elizabeth's picture

I often think DH has his head so far up his a#s it's not funny. And yes, this pertains primarily to SD20. But there were so many parenting moments where he could have stepped up to the plate and said, "I'll handle this." But he didn't, because SD20 had/has him whipped.

Piggybacking off somebody else's post about kids playing on cell phones during school, SD's high school had a no cell phones policy. You could bring them, but they needed to be in your bag and turned off during school hours. She never abided by that. Facebook posts during school hours, etc. She even got in trouble for bullying a fellow student by sending nasty cell phone texts to her.

What did DH do? Absolutely nothing. His logic was that the school already punished SD for that transgression. Didn't make her leave the cell phone at home, didn't use the parental controls to keep her from using it during school hours, nothing. I think that's why I love it so much when I see parents on here who actually have consequences for their kids when they behave badly. It rarely ever happened when it came to SD.

I would love to know the (flawed) reasoning behind these decisions, but I don't think DH could explain them in any way that would make sense to me.