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BM thrown from car

big momma's picture

Have been dealing with a psycho BM for years. She is a conartist. She has manipulated everyone including her children and government. We found out in the spring she was receiving disability payments. This woman was in no way disabled. She and her live in boyfriend, she calls husband, run an all cash side business that requires hard labor. She also does other things to generate cash that I find abhorent. Has always underreported her income to get more child support. Her lifestyle did not match her reported income.
Now I dont believe in Karma as I am a Christian but whatever happened is unbelievable. She got hit while riding in a car and was thrown from the vehicle. She lived but now will probablly be permanently disabled FOR REAL.
Anyway I am very surprised to see things happen like this as she has always seemed to get away with everything scott free.
I guess I should feel bad for her because I hear she's in alot of pain. Feeling very conflicted!

Kiwiflowers6's picture

Karma got her... she wanted to claim to be disabled, so Karma made it a reality. She shouldn't feel too awful sorry for herself though considering she was already playing that card anyways. I don't want to sound rude or mean , but I don't feel bad for her, in fact she got just what she deserved. The universe saw an opportunity to serve justice and made it happen.

Rags's picture

No reasonable person likes for others to be hurt, but if is has to happen I can't think of a better victim than a toxic idiot in the blended family opposition.

Since she was already on disability and now will probably never be able to do the physical labor she was doing to supplement her disability income she will likely now find that her life style will be notably limited.

Karma at its finest IMHO.

SickupAndFed's picture

I almost want to say congratulations, but...

I've been waiting for Karma to catch up with our con-artist, money-laundering, under-reporting, fraudulent sleazebag of a BM, as the authorities seem powerless to stop her.

I guess we'll all have to live vicariously through you!!