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Just very unsure...

elvis1's picture

I want to thank everyone here for sharing their stories so honestly! It has been more helpful for me to read your experiences and advice on here than all the months of counseling I have tried to help me with the whole "step" issue. I have finally come to the conclusion that I had to disengage, it has been very helpful for me, but frustrating for DH. He thinks I hate his kids. I don't hate them, but I don't like them either. If they were random kids I met in a Sunday School Class or any other place they would not be children I would choose to be around. He thinks that I don't try, well, I did try, a lot for a long time. It was so stressful I turned into another person on the Friday's I knew they were coming to the house....I was crabby and would eventually just retreat into my own shell. The disengagement is better for me, but not for DH.
I have 3 SKs, however the sd14 does not come to stay with DH anymore as she has written him off as the worst dad in the world etc etc, I know you all know the drill. That leaves SS11 and SD4, from different BMs, both of which are crazy and much more invested in getting back at/hurting DH than in making their kids lives better. Did I mention that BM's are suddenly best friends, and they used to HATE one another. I do not communicate with either of them, when we are at a sporting event or school function we do not speak, but neither does DH speak to either of them. The Skids are disrespectful of me, but never so that DH can see it. SS11 I seriously feel has some sort of disorder that makes social interactions very awkward. He is fine with his grandparents, sibling and dad, but throw anyone else into the mix and he has no social skills. He will ask the same question 5-10 times, even tho you already answered it. if you speak to him first he mumbles or speaks into his chest so you cannot hear him. He also lies ALL THE TIME, about things that are just ridiculous, like running in a 5K with his mom, or eating an entire package of oreos. He follows DH around the house constantly, if DH leaves the room you have about a 3 count before he or his sister is saying........where's DH? DH has a LOT of guilt and the fact that SD14 will not visit him anymore makes it worse because he is constantly in fear that this will happen with the other two as well. I don't enjoy myself at all on weekends skids are around, I do plan other things, even got a second job on weekends to get me out of the house and out of the obligation of doing "family" things with them, but at some point I have to come home and it is awkward and uncomfortable the entire time we are in the house together. I wonder if anyone at all out there has stuck around and is HAPPY they did, or do you wish you got out???


claire2502's picture

I know exactly how you feel, our situations seem to be very similar. I am just starting the disengaging process. I've decided it is definitely what is best for me. Although my DH and I are very close and he backs me all the way, my SS has started lying to BM about me. The lie itself has not caused to big an issue just me refusing to stay with SS on my own anymore so this can't happen. It has however made my husband do more about SS behaviour. ( he is a very very rude and aggressive 13 year old boy that gets neglected by his BM) due to all the weekends antics my husband called SS school to get a progress report and see if his behaviour was affecting his school work. This has gone down like a lead balloon with BM as she told the school there was no issue and they said that my husband has the right to find out so they are going ahead with it. This resulted in venomous phone calls from her yesterday four calls one after the other ( she's always felt she has to be my husbands first priority as soon as he walks through the door, as she is the mother of his kids) My husband always says that he will know its an actual emergency when she only calls once. By four times I mean four on house phone but she calls his mobile too. Anyway apparently she is off work with stress due to this situation hahaha whatever your just a lazy cow that uses anything as an excuse. Maybe she should have put the kids she has already first before getting yourself pregnant again!!!!. Sorry I've rattled on, I just wanted to say the feelings you get when SK are arriving is exactly the same as me. I've changed a lot recently into someone that I don't recognise. I would love to know if there are any other SP that have stuck it out and how they managed.

elvis1's picture

I feel for you...the BMs I deal with are crazy too, they love playing games more than anything. You are so lucky you have the support of your DH, mine thinks his kids are perfect. They have never nor will they ever do anything wrong, and if I try to correct any of their behavior, then I hate them. I have had to disengage for my sanity, as I think most of us on here who have done it have had to do. It is amazing to me how much impact lack of parenting has on these kids......and that the birth parents don't see it. I have a BD19 and BD15, they have been thru divorce, my ex and I coparent very well together and my kids have adjusted well (yes there were bumps in the road, as there will always be) but for the most part my kids are good, well adjusted kids. While my DH constantly blames his kids "troubles" in school etc on "all they have been through" arggggggggggggggggggg