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help baby mama is crazy lol

Loving Life 33's picture

hello hello step parents if you been reading my previous comments on blogs and you know my story um I will quickly review on it I've been with my boyfriend for two years he has a eight year old only child baby mama has a two year old new ring on your finger! and a new boyfriend pays more than he supposed to for child support payments Man and babymama have been divorced for 6 years nearly 7 years we are happily together we are deeply in love we do a lot of things we take SS8 a lot of places we do a lot of things together as a family and separate but the other day my boyfriend left his phone home and I was bored so I looked at his text from baby momma..I was pleasantly surprised that he ignores her most of her rude comments doesn't react and doesn't feed into her narcissistic drama she is clearly a narcissist that's a whole nother story mostly she is jealous of us taking her son places without her (those are her words not mine) she says: " fine go ahead take my son places without me go ahead have your little family go have a baby go get married!" she keep saying that every time he says we're taking him to a water park or out of town to the beach or visit family outta town...SHE NEVER TAKES HIM ANYWHERE!!! I dnt believe that they have the money to.she wont work!! ...she also text pictures of her rash that she has...or of her personal things such as her powers going to be shut off or her boyfriend is going to lose their car and then asked if my boyfriend is way more worried about her problems then she is about boyfriend gives her extra money too if she texts over and over that she needs 50 bucks for this or that..WE HAVE OUR OWN HOUSE TO RUN!! he will text ok jeez I will give u money just to shut u up! !!! Other than that my boyfriend doesn't seem to respond to her the only usually respond when it's about the 8 year old son my question is should I be worried about anything I don't seem to feel worried but I just don't trust her why did she have to talk like that... doesn't she think I read his text doesn't she care what she looks like to him she looks shes ustable idea is that she if she wants to take him places why don't SHE get a job and get off her ass take him?? places and quit complaining she should be happy that we take him places we spend our hard earned money to take him places and do things together but she is so jealous and she only sees what she wants she wants my boyfriend back even with the new ring on her finger now I don't let her know that I know I won't bother her or text her or call her or message her I won't let her know it bugs me but what can I do when she does that do I just laugh I think its sad isn't it?


Loving Life 33's picture

oh I see yeah I agree its really sad she doesn't have to be that way you know I actually think she has potential to work hard get a car get a job keep a job finish school and raise the two kids and get married again and be a positive mom but..I don't want to feel bad for taking him but I work hard life I work two jobs and if I want to go places and take my stepson I can.. I'm not going to apologize to her or him for being able to have money to take him also not threatend by her wanting my boyfrend back either...... and as far as the paragraphs well I'm learning it's hard to do on my phone hahaha I'm still a new blogger im still learning so thank you very much I'm still shocked everything but I will get over it I have to realize that she's going to fall off my back like that water on a ducks back:)