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Do you think BM is withholding visitation because of CS?

FutureSM's picture

So, FH has been out of work since the end of June, due to medical issues. We missed CS in July and August, which he hasn't missed in the last 10 years. CS usually goes to pay for after school care, etc. which FSD(10) doesn't have these expenses anymore. We were very apologetic to BM about the fact that we would probably be behind a few months, but would catch back up with her as soon as we could. She told my FH that they were going to have to forclose on their house, etc. So we were feeling really bad. The next weekend though, FSD comes over and tells us they are going to be going to an amusement park the next weekend, and that they are having some major (we are talking THOUSANDS of dollars) upgrades to their house. Now, incase you didn't know, FH and I moved into FSD's BM's neighborhood (right next door to FSD's school) to be closer to her so that we could have more visitation than EOW. Now, that school has started back, BM is saying we can't get FSD during the week, because she doesn't want to mess up her "routine". WTF? It's not like we aren't capable of caring for her...? We live NEXT DOOR to the school. FSD WANTS to come over during the week. Do you think she is doing this because of Child Support?


libby's picture

Your FH needs to file a motion to Abate Child Support.

What is the normal Visitation Schedule? Make her go by that if not request mediation and get a schedule in court

FutureSM's picture

I know that he used to get his daughter 1 night a week as well as every other weekend. he quit doing the one night a week because we lived to far to take her to school in the morning. But we moved closer at the end of last school year so he could start getting her again. All summer she was able to come over for the one night a week visit but now that school has started, BM thinks it will "mess up her schedule"

libby's picture

If it states he gets SD - then my suggestion would be to make a Scan a copy of that page, have FH send her an email advising her that he intends to take his visitation and for her to refuse visitation because of child support is completely irrelevant, any attempt to keep him from his child during his normal visitation is contempt of court.

But quickly file the motion to Abate CS. Most states add a good awful interest rate for child support

PnutButta's picture

That's exactly what she is doing, but from what I understand, she's not legally allowed to do that. I may be wrong though.

If she can afford renovations on her home and an amusement park, she's obviously not that desperate. She's just trying to cause drama where it isn't needed. Nice of her to try and kick a horse in the teeth after it's already down.

She sounds like a real winner. And like Stepma, I hate it when women use their kids as pawns. Why can't they just grow the hell up already? We get your point, you're pissed. Why cause someone else to be miserable?? I just don't get how these Mothers can sleep at night and be so self righteous and satisfied with themselves for the crap they cause.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost

FutureSM's picture

She is the one who has been allowed to come over all summer, since we moved to a more expensive area to be near her. Now all of a sudden....(CS?) she isn't able to come over so she doesn't mess her "routine" up. How much more can we do to prove we want a more active role in FSD's life? To me it seems that it would just be easier for BM if we didn't want to be around that much. BM also fails to tell my FH about Parent's Day at school, and many other things she would rather her husband be a part of than FSD's ACTUAL father. It's makes me very sad for my FH.

Shaman29's picture

I'm not sure if this holds true for every state but I don't believe payment of CS is directly tied to visitation. The NCP can still see their child no matter how far behind they are on their CS. Trust me.....UberSkank was a year and half behind on her CS and she still saw step-demon like clock-work, EOW, holidays, extra name it.

Of course, DH paid his CS like clock-work and UberSkank would refuse to let him see step-demon for whatever reason she could pull out of her butt. Now we get emails from the step-demon's account (written by UberSkank) telling us she's too busy or whatever to comeover. ****Fine with me because she's a disrespectful, back stabbing POS like her mother. But for DH's sake I will tolerate the princess of darkness in my home****

I agree with the others, check the divorce decree and supplemental judgements concerning parenting time and support. Your BM cannot refuse your FH's right to spend time with his child. Good luck!

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine