I dont want drama, but i dont want bm thinking she can run the show either just because she is a crazy beootch.
so currently we are waiting for court in oct. because bm wants custody and wants more money because she isnt working. Mainly she is insanely jealous that dh and i are now married. Infact, she filed for custody 3 weeks after we got married. Its all so sad and pathetic how much of a waste of space she truly is, but we talked to a lawyer and discovered that there is no way we will lose custody and most likely will no longer pay her any money at all. In her statement, she says that ss is afraid of me blah blah blah, all lies, anyways she also state that if dh is away from ss for more than 2 hours she can refuse ss coming to visit us.
as of now though its 50/50, so she has to go by that. Dh is working until 7pm and ss is supposed to be in day care so that i can pick him up at 530. Bm called to say shes an hour away at her sisters and is not taking ss to daycare because she has to wait until 2pm to pick up her bf's daughter, and poor poor bm doesnt have any money until her check comes today to pay for enough gas to bring ss to daycare and then drive back to pick up bf's daughter.....so she wants to know what time dh wants her to meet him to drop off ss. dh says, your money issues are not my problem and if you didnt have gas to take him to daycare you should not have driven up there, figure something out and take him to day care. bm starts yelling and being an idiot, and dh tells her fine, drop him off at 6pm in front of my complex. She thinks he still gets off at 6 and asks if he will be there, and he says no. bm flies off the handle and says that she will not drop ss off if dh is not there...dh tells her to stop being a jealous bitch and ss better be here at 6pm or i will call the cops on you again. smnikki is his step mother and you have no say right now if he is with her...bm bursts into tears and says she will drop him off when she feels like it. Dh texts her and says that she needs to put her son before bf's daughter...she replies that she will drop him off at 615 when dh is home...
so dh says to me, just go out there at 615 and if she doesnt leave him with you then call the cops. I was okay with this at first but then i realized that this potentially could be very upsetting for ss and i didnt want to put him through that, so i told dh to tell bm to drop ss off at his work at 530 and ill be there and as soon as she drops him off we will put him in my car and ill take him home.
im glad because this will piss her off that once again her crazy antics dont run the show....she seriously is just getting more and more nuts!
- smnikki's blog
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Actually, I guess I was a
Sorry, wrong post!
My BM is just like that too,
My BM is just like that too, except we have custody and she only sees him wed. and EOW from Friday at 4 til Sunday at 6. She has to all the transportation because she decided to move and hour away from where we live and she used to live. She HATES me and I feel the same about her, and I have had her arrested twice and she has tried to get me fired several times and get out foster daughter taken away. BM will not let SS get out of the car unless my DH is home on her nights that she brings him home. DH is always here anyway but he did tell her that if she does not drop him off then he will call the cops because it does not say in the court papers anywhere that he can not be dropped off with me. She goes crazy because she hates when her son is with me, but does she not realize that I I I raise him, I am his Mom on the 25 days out of the month that he is not with her, does she not understand that. Not to mention by her moving she cut an hour of her time out with him on Wed. because not she does not get to him until 5 instead of 4, the hours are 4-7 but not she only gets him 5-7 and then has to drive an hour home, and she had to drive an hour here to get him, I think in the winter her Wed. visits might be skipped sometimes. She is however, driving all the way to my house on Wed. morning to see him get on the bus for his first day of Kindergarten and then driving an hour to work, then an hour after work to pick him up to see him for 2 hours then she drives an hour home, I guess I am confused why she moved, its not like she moved to be near her family, but I am Glad she did move!!!! I was not happy that I had to see her Wed. morning but I am trying to look at the situation as she probably is very pissed that she has to drive an hour, sit in my driveway and wait to watch her son get on the bus at my house where I live with the man she wanted to marry in the house we just built last summer

Don't like Drama? Then make dealing with the psycho BM ...
a comedy. Once you gain confidence in your situation you may find that baring the BMs ass in public/court often, severely and loudly to be quite comedically entertaining.
I have learned to love leading the SpermClan by the their RedNeck livestock nose rings right to their earned status as the marquis selection on Americas Stupidest DipShits video show.
Pretty much irritating the Blended Family opposition is a sport. Learn to like it. With the BM you describe you will not be without frequent and completely entertaining opportunities.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)