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My Apology To The SMs Here That I Joined

chokinonlemons2u's picture

...Team Hug A Skid, you mean SM against

Because now that I am a recipient of full bore skid nastiness I can REALLY emphasize with the role of those painted as wicked stepmomsters.

Of course I don't agree with child abuse. But fuck, you can't make yourself have warm feelings for ANYONE that goes out of their way to be deliberately hurtful and unkind to you. Not even a child. Not some bitches kid that you have spent years being nothing but kind and good to just to be pooped on for NO GOOD REASON.

Not a child that you let yourself get close enough to that it really HURTS when they drink the BM koolaid and do their best to.break you in a thousand little ways.

You can LOVE a man without being crazy about being around his cum juice grown into human form that is rude, mean, and disrespectful to you.

So my sympathies to the SMs that I was


chokinonlemons2u's picture

So my sympathies and apologies to all the SMs that I was harsh to for not liking their nasty little skids.

loveblinded1's picture


thestephater's picture


realitycheckmom's picture
