Is love enough? Is it worth it?
Hi, all. You may remember me from this thread:
I'm the girl who broke up with her BF because I didn't feel comfortable with the stepkid situation, but am having a hard time-- missing him, feeling heartbroken, feeling like I lost the love of my life. I'm doing my best to do what you all suggested to try to move on-- I even took a wonderful vacation last week just to spend some time pampering myself-- and it was great, but I'm still having a hard time, feeling so depressed (and hurt because I know he's gone on a few dates with other girls).
Today I just kept thinking about the love that we shared, and I thought of all of you... and I wondered... is it worth it? Is the love you have for your partner worth all the step-ugliness? I feel like there are a few possibilities:
- Yes, it's worth it. You love your partner and that's what matters.
- Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but so far, you've stayed.
- It's not worth it but you feel you're in too deep and can't leave your partner now.
- It's not worth it and you left.
What do you all think? What would you do if you could do it all over? I keep trying to remind myself how hard it is to be a step-parent and that if it didn't feel good before we got married, getting married would NOT having improved anything. But when you think back on all the cuddles and fun times and love, you feel... like maybe you made a mistake.
Just a single gal sitting home with the puppy on a Saturday night...
Sometimes compartmentalizing
Sometimes compartmentalizing is just what you have to do to survive, ya know? I hope that for you the moments of happiness far outweigh the crazy.
I wish I could answer this
I wish I could answer this question myself...
Haha, I know, right? I've
Haha, I know, right? I've spent the last four years asking myself that question and never being able to decide. I guess eventually I decided that it wasn't worth it, since we broke up, but here I am four months later, still questioning my decision...
I am number 3, but tonight
I am number 3, but tonight was the first night I really really questioned the future with DH. Our one year wedding anniversary is one month away, and I don't even know anymore. DH set boundaries over 2 years ago, and has stuck to them. His adult kids are not even in his life that much, since he does not hand them money anymore. I know he has a lot of misplaced guilt. I know he wishes that things were different. He KNOWS he has tried to help them. They are just content to live in poverty, since they refuse to work or do anything productive.
I knew how bad they were. They continue to get worse, and I am not surprised. DH promised me they would never move in, nor would we support them. So far, he is sticking to his promises, because he knows how awful they are. There are things they have said and done that I cannot even post here.
DH and I have a wonderful relationship. Like I said, I knew how bad the kids are/were. What I did not anticipate was that my MIL would start a campaign to have DH convinced that all his kids need is to find God. While they are "doing that," she is hounding us to give them money and/or let them move in our one bedroom home. NONE of this will happen with me here. This will cause a divorce.
DH does not listen to her 99 percent of the time, but I can see that in the past month, she has gotten to him a bit. She recently told me that since I am not a mom, I do not understand. She has basically said that the kids should be allowed to abuse him emotionally, because they cannot help it, and they will find the Lord and all will be well. She thinks it is okay if we go broke "helping them." Instead of making DH "act," she is making him feel guilt that is not his to bear. Yes, he made mistakes, but he has done the best he can, and he has repeatedly tried to help adults who want nothing to do with him unless there is cash involved.
Tomorrow, DH will be taking the kids to dinner. This is the first time he will see 2 of them in 2 years and one in over a year. THEIR choice. They are already hinting for money. What will happen is they will eat everything on the menu, and on the way home, he will get 100 texts demanding money. This happened the last 2 times they went out. I will never stop him from seeing them, but he is not handing them a dime. We do not have it. This dinner alone will cost a lot and his older son is already having a hissy fit because DH said his girlfriend could not come. He should not have been asked in the first place. In addition to the money, they will demand to go out to dinner again each week, which we cannot afford.
In the past 3 weeks the kids have been texting a lot, probably because they are in danger of losing their home and want a place to live. They do not understand that DH and I are far from naive. I just do not know how long he can take this.
Oh, and after 3 years of sitting on his ass doing nothing, the older son finally got his first job. It is part time (he wont work full time) and he already lied to DH and said he needs money for uniforms-he does not. It is constant lies from all 3 of them.
My MIL is showing no signs of letting up. I have asked her to stop, and she ignores me. She told me when I find a job, I should share my money with the kids. I lost my job last year and I have a ton of loans. But, regardless, I won't give a dime to people who refer to me as a whore and cuntbag and wish I burned to death in a fire.
I love my DH, and I would miss him terribly, but I would have never done this if I had known. I have a chronic illness, and once I get working, I will not have the energy to fight this.
I feel for you, OP, but I think you are much better off.
Whoa, your MIL sounds like a
Whoa, your MIL sounds like a nightmare! I'm not a religious person so I don't usually sympathize with people saying "You just need to find the Lord" and what-not, but I REALLY don't sympathize when they think that somehow that's going to happen and that it's going to solve SERIOUS ISSUES. *That* is the crazy talk.
I'll be sending positive thoughts your way-- especially that your DH continues to ignore this kind of talk.
Do you think your DH knows how you feel about how shaky you feel about the relationship? I feel for you. I'm sorry that you are ill, and I hope that you'll have the support you need, whatever happens.
I'm a solid #2. At times #3,
I'm a solid #2. At times #3, but things have gotten better in the skid area of my life. It might get even better once ss16 goes to college or moves out but I know he'll always be DH's favorite and always come for visits after he moves out but once he's out he's not going to move back in like we let ss19 do twice.
I hope things continue
I hope things continue getting better for you. I know that skids are there forever, they don't just magically disappear once they turn 18 or 21, but hopefully when they are adults, the problems are more minimal.
It's so hard in the
It's so hard in the beginning. You have no idea what you've entered in to, so how do you know what the right thing to do is? I feel like the only way I could have set proper boundaries and and guidelines in the beginning of my relationship with my bf would be if I had somehow already had the experience of dating a man with kids... and I definitely didn't. I had barely dated. I had no idea what to do about anything.
But I'm really happy that you consider yourself a 1.
Even with all the sucky parts, it's good to know that there are people out there making it work!
It's different for everyone.
It's different for everyone. What number you're at depends entirely upon you.
Yeah, I realize that, I just
Yeah, I realize that, I just wanted to know where you all put yourselves, what your experiences are.
#2. It is great on and off.
#2. It is great on and off. We have fun. But then it goes through sucky periods. I hope we come out of this sucky period soon because its almost not worth it. I am holding on a little longer to see if it will stop sucking so much.
Crossing my fingers and toes
Crossing my fingers and toes for you that things start looking up soon.
SS27 is a raging drunk. I
SS27 is a raging drunk. I really have little to do with him.
But I do consider that I have the nuclear option with him. If he hurt me, my dog, my dh or my property when he is in one of his drunken rages he would be dead to me.
And I am pretty confident that DH would choose his life with me even if I totally eliminated any contact with SS. I do not want to use that option but it helps to know that it is there. I see very little of SS. I missed his younger years when his horrible behavior would have made my life horrible beyond description.
DH and I have a great life. DH would lose everything if I left him and he knows it.
I know you said you have a
I know you said you have a great life, but since you acknowledge that DH would "lose everything" if you left him... do you ever feel like that puts a great pressure on you?
I feel a lot of guilt about breaking up w/ my bf since most of his happiness came from our relationship. I feel like I ruined his life sometimes. I know I can't put that on myself, that it's not my responsibility to ensure his happiness, but he's a good person, so I feel bad about it sometimes.
No I don't feel pressure as
No I don't feel pressure as he gets to stay with me unless he screws up big time. And if he screws up then he would deserve the consequences.
I really do trust him but when we first met I told him (and meant it) that if he ever cheated on me I would have no problem putting him out the front door and would never look back.
I can't imagine kicking DH out unless he did something really, really, really bad. And that would make him a bad person that I would not care about.
I remember your post I think.
I remember your post I think. If it is the post I am thinking of you and bf have not been separated all that long, and I seem to remember you we're struggling very hard with the step parenting thing, and the child was still very young.
I think you need to give yourself time here. Time to grieve, time to heal and when you do, I honestly think you will be thrilled you made the decision to leave
It is never worth being in a relationship with anyone who puts someone else above you. Someone who is incapable of being a partner and a parent at the same time. It is never worth being second best in your relationship, no matter how much you love him.
A marriage is supposed to be about two people each wanting the best for each other, each supporting the other, each putting the other first. It is give and take, sometimes you give, sometimes you take. It is not about you constantly giving, and your partner constantly taking because he has a child/children.
You were struggling really hard in this relationship, you were not getting the understanding and support you needed from your partner. You did the right thing by all concerned by leaving, and you gave yourself a chance for a better life. This man has already started taking other girls out according to your post. That says a lot about how much he loved you. I think he's like a lot of men we speak of on this site. They claim they are putting the welfare of their kids first, that its all about their kids, but the reality is, it's all about themselves. Nothing to do with their kids. They are just looking for someone to take care of them and meet their needs, but they are not prepared to meet yours.
If he's checking out your replacement already, then he's not sitting at home trying to work out where it all went wrong with you. Or wondering how can he make it right. He needs to be the one looking at himself and offering more. Not you going back and compromising yourself because you are feeling lonely. Hang in there. Give yourself the gift of time. You have experienced a death. The death of your relationship. Any death can take up to two years to come to terms with. I think in 3 to 6 months you will be a far happier person.
Marriage would have only made it all so much worse. You did the right thing. You are clearly a strong woman. No need for you to settle. No need at all.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your support. That was me.
We have been broken up for four months. So, it seems like it's only been a few weeks, but has been awhile. I recognize that in the long term it's not enough for me to just be over it, though, and that will take time.
I get what you're saying about him dating other people already, but I don't know, I think a lot of people would say four months is more than enough time for someone to start dating again.
He told me about it, and I know that nothing has worked out with any of those girls (they were all first dates with people from a dating site). I think he'd still prefer to get back together with me but is trying to move on with his life. I couldn't be dating now, but I don't know. He's a dude. I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's dating again. Hurts like an absolute BITCH though, even if I know he hasn't met anyone great yet...
I do agree with you that I seriously doubt he's thought at all about what he could do in the future to ensure this doesn't happen again. I think-- and this is partly my fault-- he sees it as 80% me not being able to deal with it, and 20% him. Maybe more like 90/10%.
Thank you for your words of kindness and support. I would like to believe I am a strong woman... I've always thought I was. Suddenly I find myself without a sure footing.
Four months is a blink of an
Four months is a blink of an eye in this heartbreak. You do need more time. But darling, you are doing yourself no favours in making excuses for his behaviour. He's a dude, so that's okay for him to get on dating sites before your side of the bed is even cold. Then you think telling you about it makes it honest and nice. No it doesn't, it makes it emotional blackmail. Hell, if he threatens you enough with this crap, you might just make his life easier and go back. Now, I'm not saying he slept with them, but I am saying if he did, he would never tell you. Because right now he's still hedging his bets, why, because he is a dude.
You are almost right though, your arithmetic is just a bit off. He still sees it as YOUR fault, All your fault. He will see nothing wrong with his child's behaviour, and nothing wrong with him as a parent, you just don't get it, he'll, you don't even have a child of your own, how would you know anything.
Four months while some days it may seem like yesterday and other days seem like an eternity is just that. 4 months. You just need time. Please give it to yourself and don't worry about the dude. He will find another bunny to take care of his needs. You hated that life, why choose it again. If you go back now, trust me darling, it will be worse. You see to go back will in his mind be admitting he was right all along and nothing will change. He shouldn't be on dating sites he should be using all his time on self reflection on himself as a man, as a partner and as a parent. But no, he's on dating sites. You chicken have dodged a bullet and in your heart of hearts I think you are wise enough to know it.