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Step Daughter Problems

vizallygirl's picture

My step-daughter, husband and grandchild recently moved in our house. She is pregnant with another child (4 months) and does nothing in the house to help. Me, my husband and her husband all work. When I come home both her and the grandbaby are still in pj's and the house is a mess, even though it was clean when I leave in the morning. She expects to use my car whenever she wants to and wants me to buy her and the baby stuff all the time. I had a talk with her about everything and now she will not talk to me. She told me it wasn't my place to talk to her as if she was my daughter. Now my house is in complete uproar. I feel unwelcome in my own home, she tries to keep the grandbaby from talking to me and totally disrespects me. I've spoken to my husband but he has done absolutley nothing... Please help!! This is ruining my marriage and my relationship with my mother in-law.

KittieKat's picture

This is YOUR HOME, she is staying with YOU! You, your DH, you SD and HER DH should talk about what is going on. Pregnant or not she should be helping around the house while you are all at work. YOUR HOME YOUR RULES and if she doesn't like it then they need to find somewhere else to stay. Maybe they can stay with your MIL.

vizallygirl's picture

I've personally tried to talk to her husband and grandmother, but all they do is baby her and give her what she wants. I totally agree... my home my rules, my own children don't act this way. I've raised all my kids on my own, been a strict mother, compassionate and loving. They would never do this to me... this is going to be the end of my marriage if it continues.

vizallygirl's picture

I'm going away this weekend and hopefully my husband will have a talk with her. But I've quit doing for her and will not do anymore... I've been used too much already and not to be appreciated is not good. I never raised my children to be that way, but then again they weren't raised by thier grandparents. kills me!!

vizallygirl's picture

boy... at least I can see that I'm not wrong for how I feel... funny thing is we just bought our house and moved in... haven't been able to enjoy at all... thanks to all of you!!!

vizallygirl's picture

man... i'm so glad i found this site! thanks all such great advise i will be taking!

IslandGal's picture

Kick her lazy controlling ass straight out onto the street!!

And if DH doesn't like it - tell him to join her there.

to hell with that shit!

luchay's picture

Oh this is my deepest fear.

That I will have SD living here as an adult, with or without husband and probably with kids.

Have a come to Jesus talk with your husband, tell him straight up what you will and won't tolerate in your home.

If he has a problem with it remind him that you have already bent over backwards to be accommodating to his child, allowing her and her family to move in to YOUR home.

Now he needs to step up and demand respect for you. (and your home!)

And tell her hell no to borrowing your car and you buying her stuff, tell her to ask her mother!

betterdaysahead12's picture

Oh wow... I never thought about "adult" skid issues... This is so depressing cause they dont go away after they grow up. I agree with all that you state here as advice. DH needs to not let his daughter control your household...

gaviotas's picture

Sure, your house your rules. OMG you do not have to do anything for those people. Why did they move there?
Can they find another place to live? You should talk to your DH about finding a new place for them.
You cannot feel an alien in your own house!
And please until you solve this situation, do not spend your money on them, save it for your kids and you.