she moves in on tues-help?
new to glad i found it! Im actualy not a "technical" stepmom due to the fact that me and bf are not married....but im still in the same boat now. he has not had custody of his daughter for over six yrs, only visitation due to a prison sentance (guilt much?)and now for the past yr she has played the "i wanna live with mommy, no, daddy, no, mommy" Throwing 2 households into an uproar. after she ran away fri. night, her bmom and i came to an agreement that we would do a 3 wk dry run in our home (several states away) and at the end of 3 weeks she would have to make a final and PERMENANT decision. the main prob is that this is an out of control 16 yr old girl (im 28)and she has my bf completely snowed. HELP ME!!!!!!
Why is she making the decision? You are letting an out of control 16 year move into your house so what do you think is going to happen?
the hope on the part of
the hope on the part of myself and her bm is that she will realize after 3 weeks that life here sux for a teenager and she will run home. my bf's past mo with her is to let her get away with just about anything when she comes up for a visit (drinking, setting her own cerfew etc) THEORETICALY, and i know a lot of this rides on my boyfriend, she will discover that (gasp) our home does have rules...
she at this time living with her bm has educational opportunities that she will NEVER have in my small mountain home town, very few friends here, no car=much harder to sneak around......
rt now she says she hates her mom, she hates her dad, and she wants to be put in foster care, lol!