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Adult StepDaugher and Can't Make Connection

Gigi001's picture

Hi Everyone,

I've been with my husband for 10 years, we've been married for 5. This is a second marriage for both. I do not have any children. My husband has a 35 year old daughter. He is 12 years older than me. From the begining and when he introduced me to his daughter I have always been friendly, thoughtful and wanted to have a good relationship with her. When she has had challenges I have always been very positive with her and supportive. My husband raised his daughter on his own since she was 5 years.

Since we have been married for 5 years, I feel very uncomfortable around my stepdaughter and find the term "stepdaughter" uncomfortable since I'm 11 years older than her. She doesn't call me a "stepmom", which is fine. I've called her and sent emails with sometimes no response. When we visit her home she is friendly but I don't feel like she wants a close connection with me.

I told my husband that when I married him I thought it would be nice to also have a nice relationship with his daughter. My husband states that I shouldn't have expectations. I should just go with the flow but my insticts make me feel uncomfortable. I feel ignored or that I don't exist. I'm humble and not the type of person that wants to be the center of attention.

I don't have much experience in this department but can feel when someone doesn't want a close connection with me. I figured since I'm married to her father it would be nice to have a connection with her too but this may not be the case on her end.

Can any of you that have experience in this area, please provide some guidance as to what I should do? If she doesn't reach out to me to connect, do I need to try to keep reaching back? Or, do I need to keep trying to get her to like me, and provide (support, gifts etc)to someone who seems to only want me when it supports their own agenda?

Thank you.



Hanny's picture

"My husband states that I shouldn't have expectations."

I think you should thank your lucky stars that your husband feels this way. Most of our SO's think we SHOULD be more connected with their kids. I know mine does, I told him I'm not going to be going have pedicures and manis with your kids, we aren't girl friends. The most I want is respect from them, and I will give them respect.

twopines's picture

No, you do not need to keep reaching out to connect. The relationship between the two of you seems fine, since she's friendly when you visit. I would not keep pushing to make it something more. Just think of her as a nice coworker you see every now and then. Enjoy your marriage to your husband. It's OK to not have a close connection with her.

oneoffour's picture

Primarily you are your husband's wife and that is how she sees you. Not a friend. Not a best buddy. Just the nice lady who is married to her Dad.

I sense a feeling that something is lost in the relationship and it has failed to live up to your expectations. She was a grown woman of 25 when you entered his life. At that stage you were 36. You never had the mummy role thrust upon you nor did you have moments when she needed you.

Accept it for what it is and be thankful she isn't a back-stabbing screaming banshee-woman who feels you are taking away her DADDDDEEEEEE!

JEEMudder's picture

He is her dad and for that reason the best you can ask for is amicable respect. Some don't even get that. You are not her mom, and she will always be acutely aware of that. I would not push for more than that because most adult skids are not shy about reminding a parents of this fact.