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After the wasted mediation....

isthis4me's picture

Okay, so I did not go with DH. It took 3 hours and the only decision made was that we are going to pay for a counselor that BM/DH agree to but we pay for??
She refused any modification of schedule or cs.
I am feeling very emotional...Our Attorney told BM that we are requesting a court date AND getting a parenting evaluation no more mediation. This will cost about an additional $10k. What I want to know is why did we waste 3 hours in mediation that wasted $1k.
I was waiting for the outcome of this mediation to see if I can stay in this there won't be any resolution for many months AND I have to pay for it. DH does not make enough $$.
so this $ is going to pay for this woman and her insane behavior and I can't make a callor deal with her at all.....or can I?
Except last week when she called SS12, to ask what size shoes SS8 wears bc she doesn't even know her kids size. I answered her through the phone which probably really pissed her off bc she had a few texts to send DH after.
DH still falls for her BS. Anytime she dangles extra time with the kids in front of him, he jumps but the condition is always there that I can not be within sight or there will be a rumble.
Maybe I need to just kick her a$$ and let her know that I am not a weakling who will take her stuff....I am serious, I really don't know what will stop her. She even told him that she is going to seopena (sp?) my Company recordsbc she didn't find that my Company exisisted. I sent her a link through e-mail showing her my registration and credentials and basically called her an idiot very professionally. She e-mailed me back and I will not open it bc I fear it will add more fuel to my already blazing fire, I deleted it. She sent a follow up txt to Dh telling him that I should not contact her. If she can send threats through him to me, can't I defend myself??
In mediation DH requested that BM stop texting except in emergencies and only e-mail otherwise. She refused, said she can contact him anytime and it's not harrassment. I am considering blocking her number from texts and telling her we refuse to accept any of her contact unless through e-mail.

Woman of ST, I ask you.....would you want some other woman "running" your man??

How long is this whole court/evalutaion process going to take?

Should I just have it out with her to get it off my chest and be done?

Help Me!!


WifeNTheMiddle's picture

We have never been through court dealings..we always do our best to settle out of court. (Plus DH's aunt is a lawyer, thank goodness) Depending on who has custody and other legal issues, it can be considered harassment if she is calling/texting/e-mailing with no issue concerning the kids. Make sure you document everything, it could be used as evidence if you wanted to take it to court about her harassing issues. It took us a long time to get BM to stop calling all the time. When she does call, it's not even to talk to SD it's to complain or bi*** about money..always! Good luck with the court..I would think since it does involve children they would speed it up a little, but I have no idea. BTW...maybe take a spa day for yourself and don't let her run your as you would if SK's weren't around.