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Wedding Pictures

VioletsareBlue's picture

How many of you could see your skid doing this:

Q. Wedding Pictures Dilemma: At our upcoming wedding, my fiancé and I would like to have a display with wedding pictures of our parents, grandparents, and others who are dearest to us. The snag is that my parents divorced when I was 5 years old, and my father has been with his current wife for over 20 years and they have two preteens. (All parties are on amicable terms.) I adore my mom and dad's wedding picture, but displaying it might be strange, given that they haven't been together since 1985. I also don't want to include a picture of my father with his current wife, because A) it's awkward to have a picture of the same man marrying two different women, and Dirol while we get along, I'm not terribly fond of his wife. I'm not intending this as a snub—she's just not in that circle of intimates for my fiancé and me. Should we give up on the display and eliminate the awkwardness? It would be a shame not to admire photographs of the beautiful marriages that have lasted.

A: I've never seen this done before, but what a wonderful tradition it could be as long as the photos get an exegesis with sticky notes. On your parents' you could post, "Came asunder in 1985." On others you could write, "Still crazy about each other despite the bickering you'll hear when Harry has a couple of drinks." Or you could forget this whole idea since the point of it seems to be to rewrite history and pretend your parents are still together when in fact they've been divorced forever and you have two half siblings (who you'd apparently like to write out of existence). No one is stopping you from admiring beautiful marriages that have lasted, just do so without making a bizarre and awkward display.


not THAT happy's picture

SD7 has a picture of her parents kissing (and from what I can tell, they were pretty much making out in front of a camera). They never got married and I'm pretty sure there are not that many pictures of the two of them laying around.
She makes sure to bring that picture up every time I'm around.


HungryEyes's picture

That was too nice. I mean honestly - what are these kids thinking?

Honestly - I laugh every time I run across a wedding picture of BM and SO. They both look so freaking miserable in every picture on their wedding day. I'm not sure what was going on - but some very solemn, serious faces.
I'm still waiting for one of the man holding the shotgun to their heads! LMAO

Willow2010's picture

SS would do this! Hell he makes them all take a "family" picture when they happen to be in the same place at the same time.

Anon2009's picture

She should skip putting photos of her sm, bm and dad out and put out wedding photos of grandparents/great grandparents who she was close to. She can use them as her "something old."

Sunflower1's picture

Dear Prudie...
I read this one too, later down the chat she point blank says that the SD is trying to stir up some BS.

Anon2009's picture

LOL Smile

That's why I think she should display pics of his/her grandparents/great grandparents (beautiful marriages that have lasted) and/or of them. The old pics can be her "something old."