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DH is so sweet, tries so hard, and only a little bit clueless...

katielee's picture

Apparently BM wanted SD11 to stay at our house so she could swim Sunday evening and BM would come over and pick her up later. DH told BM no... he did not want BM over here and he didn't want to be out late taking sd11 home.

SD11 apparently overheard part or all of the conversation because she's asking why he doesn't want BM to come over. DH tells her it causes "marital problems" between him and Katielee...

Huh? Our little discussion was "marital problems"??? Ugh!

Obviously he doesn't understand that "marital problems" is exactly what sd11 and BM WANT us to have. SD11 is all ears whenever he mentions the D word... like the time he jokingly said not knowing that Lynyrd Skynyrd sang a certain song is grounds for divorce. SD11 lit up like a Christmas tree at the threat and deflated just as quickly when I did, indeed, know the song was sung by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

But he obviously cares about how I feel and is trying to make things better for me.

I wuv him <3


Willow2010's picture

DH tells her it causes "marital problems" between him and Katielee...
UGH...I gotta tell you..he really just should have told her that it was an adult issue and not to worry about it.

IMHO...he just threw you under the bus. Big time.

katielee's picture

He DID just throw me under the bus, but he didn't mean to. Like I said, he's a little clueless like that.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, DH is clueless if he's going to tell her that it causes marital problems with you and him...just fuel for her fantasy fire.

katielee's picture

I asked DH last night if he really thought we had "marital problems" over BM. I think he thought it was a trick question. I told him we rarely even disagreed about anything, let alone argue enough to be considered "marital problems."

He said, "You have a problem with it, right?"
I said, "Yes, I do."
He said, "Well, if it's a problem for you, it's a problem for me. We have marital problems."

LOLOLOL...not sure if he really doesn't understand the meaning of marital problems, but he sure wiggled out of that one well.