I can no longer be in this marriage
This is not going to be easy, I know it because on many levels I still love her but love just is not enough. My relationships with my daughter, mother, have suffered since being married to wife. My health has suffered. I have aged 10 years in 2 years. She is bi-polar, ADD, ADHD, combative and has the patience of a nuclear warhead. Her son that lives with us full time because they have no father also has ADD, ADHD and is the exact same way. They argue, fight, yell. I cant take it anymore. I know if I continue this it will be a lifetime of me kissing her a$$ in order to maintain peace. Dont get me wrong a man should treat his wife like she is his queen but it should not come in the expense of losing relationships with his own children. I have to get me life back.
I'm sorry to hear this for
I'm sorry to hear this for you. I am a firm believer that no one should remain in a toxic situation. I know it's a sad realization, but better you end it now after 2 years than continue sacrificing yourself for her even longer with the same eventual outcome.
From the sounds of it you
From the sounds of it you have put up a good fight but her problems are too much to deal with. Everybody has the right to be loved and treated well. That includes a home withOUT constant fighting and conflict.
Good luck to you.
sometimes one must take two
sometimes one must take two steps back and look at the big picture. If your not happy no more..its best to walk out. You tried already..time to let go.
Good luck to you
Time to focus on your own
Time to focus on your own happiness
Good luck!
Is this a new situation or
Is this a new situation or was she medicated when you married? I cannot imagine living with unmedicated mentally ill, explosive people. Your safety and sanity should be priority #1.