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No Respect for anything

StepmomDisgstd's picture

SD has no respect for my things. I have totally disengaged from the situation and created a Peaceful Place in the home for myself to retreat. I decorated it in my favorite color and all my favorite things. I also use the room as my office. I have been fortunate enough to retire at a relatively young age.So I am able to work for myself and work from home. My DH bought me a new iMac for Xmas. SD seems to be fascinated with MY gift. She always needs to use it to do homework.(there is a laptop available for her to do homework, however, she is not doing homework. She is watching Mindless Behavior videos) She asked DH if its ok. He tap dances around the subject and then says yes. He tap dances because I'm sure he senses that I dont want her using it. I dont want her around MY things at all because I dont trust her. She snoops and tells BM everything. She sprays my perfumes, Sits a soda can next to the keyboard and spilled soda on the floor. I'm going to pack all of my things away in the closet because clearly this will never really be my home. Clearly he cares more about pleasing her than me. I just want a place of peace. Somewhere I can hide from rude and disrespectful behavior. That place does not exist.I must add (so that no one thinks I'm selfish) I decorated the third room for SD. So that when she comes over she feels welcomed and she has her own room with her things. I used my own money to do this for her. She says she likes her room but for some unknown reason she cant seem to leave my things alone.


twopines's picture

It is not selfish to not want her to use your things. It's really not. She has her own things to use. She does not need to be bothering yours. As was previously suggested, put a password on your computer, and/or lock that door. You ARE entitled to have your personal items without having to unnecessarily share them with someone else.

HadEnoughx5's picture

My skids have said things to DH about how I have things like a laptop, pets, camper, car etc. Although, I believe Swamp Hole has beaten into their heads that DH buys all sorts of thing for me and is treating them poorly. Which we all know is pure bullshit. I do think there is an under lying jealousy with SD's towards their SM's. It's almost like they see themselves as the female who is the head of the household. Which I experienced with my own SD.

You have every right to have a peaceful place in your own home. Buy a lock for your special room, put a password on your computer. Protect your special place. If DH asks why you're doing these things, tell him. If he isn't going to support you and protect your special place, then you will.

Keepsmiling's picture

Goodness what is it with skids? Why do they think they have the right to just take another's stuff. I remember sd making a comment now she has to ask to use something. Well, sweetie pie because in my house there are boundaries you just don't waltz into my bedroom and take my hairspray without asking. The other thing she did was answer my cell phone. WTF! I would watch her answer her dad's and think no way in hell she would touch mine. But, she did. this from a 20 year old (at the time).

Boundaries are part of life. I have a right to have my boundaries.