What is the best thing about being a childless stepparent?
I saw the "What is the hardest thing about being a childless stepparent?" and thought that there should be something a lil more cheerful. I see how hard it is for the SP but what is it that makes you happy to be a SP or makes it worth the trouble?
I am not a step mom yet,...
I am not a step mom yet,... But I get along with the kids, so don't get me wrong, but I like having a built in time off from the kids,... FDH and I have a built in date night twice a month!
The best thing about being a
The best thing about being a SM with no bio children is that I am not exposing innocent children to my trashy, worthless skids.
Reminding me about
Reminding me about innocence.
It has improved my ability to teach adults: sometimes a question is just a question and you can't assume why someone is asking it or even what they mean. He has re-taught me that even most adults don't have an evil agenda.
It reminds me to be kinder and more open to all.
OMG, just noticed my saying at the very end is wrong! Should say, I am NOT your bio mom. Ugh.
24/7 kid minus 9 months of
24/7 kid minus 9 months of being enormous and having a fetus kicking my organs, hours of excruciating labor, possible incontinence, the screaming infant stage, or stretch marks. Also my boobs are still where they started out :). So - having a kid but not having to ever deal with the physical part of having a kid if I choose not to go that route. Also having the option of getting the experience of raising a child but being done with raising children by my mid thirties if I want. I never really considered having my own children until I began raising ss and still don't know if its for me so its like I can kind of have my cake and eat it too if I want.
less than 9 years to go until
less than 9 years to go until they are out of the house.
wait, who am i kidding.....