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OT: finally figured out

ferretmom's picture

how to post a picture. This is my boy Duncan.


The Principlist's picture

He is such a handsome white fella with brown , gray and black letters across what is I guess his ... face??? OK all joking aside hun, there is no pic. Sorry for my sick wit I couldn't resist. Smile

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

ferretmom's picture

He's a classic dark sable, white face with a brown bandit mask. I was so thrilled when he won his first ribbon. He lives up to the bandit part, nothing is safe around him.

The Principlist's picture

You're talking about your avatar pic? LOL. I was really thinking that you were talking about your SON!!! I am so a ditz today. It's the drugs in my system. Smile

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P