how to deal with guilt of not wanting contact any longer with adult stepdaughters
I have stumbled across this forum & am so grateful for that I have been riddled with question regarding my recent decision to not have anything to do with my 3 SD 1(42) 2(40) 3(37) .. Although we have gone through ALL sorts of conflicts from the beginning, mainly with the eldest.. I have as they say turned the other cheek with so many issues that have come along during the past 25 years of marriage.. & after reading so many posts here have come to see that I am NOT alone in my pain..also I have 2 boilogical boys of my own s1(40) S2(37)..
I will try to be brief to bring it to today's issues..
I was NOT the other woman.. met my hubby 2 years after his seperation( although he was still not divorced) I was seperated 5 years & divorced for 1. but realize now that I was the 1st relationship that his ex could not squash.. she did that with a few other girlfriends..became their friend then the end of the relationship..
One thing led to another & we finally decided to live together.. SD1 hated her mother at the time so she came to live with us.. all was ok until having to lay down guidelines in our NEW home...My boys were used to dicipline & had rules.. but I was still afraid of making waves with SD1( I can say that now!!! so Daddy did nothing & I could not do anything until my boys started to complain of unfair treatment...tried to change led to rebellion with SD1 & battles with BM. needless to say SD1 went home to BM. We would have the girls over on weekends etc. with no SD1
We eventually got married & SD1 did not talk to her father for 11 years. SD2 & 3 came to the wedding SD1 refused.. time went on she got married & one day made up with him.
We finaly got into a somewhat of a routine of family gatherings some weekend pasta meals etc. .. our house for Thanksgiving & Easter, their BM for Christmas etc. we would all get together for grandchildren's birthday parties etc. Still a bit strained since BM was so much involved in her daughter's affairs.
There is so much more involved with all of this up to this point , it would take me 3 books to write it all down..
We have had drug interventions etc. for SD3 that I was the only one in the family to initiate.( mind you it never happened, since BM got too dramatic while talking with the councelor.. she did see at that time that I was involved in a very intense family control issue thing & gave me credit for hanging in there). BM kept all this from hubby just stateing that she had issues. BM has also been married & divorced 2 times since our marriage...
Up to the present.. this past year SD1 decided that she wants to start her own family holiday traditions, since she is now in a new relationship after her divorce... She had Thanksgiving at her house this year & wanted us to come & have it there instead of our house she was having her BM also since now she is divorced & has no- one( mind you she has been divorced for 2 years before this & we have still had it here .I have my son & brother always at our house as it has always been... Hubby told her OK without even asking me, I said no.. reason #1 I was not going to displace MY family that has always come here to go to another's home.. #2 I really did not feel comfortable & neither did hubby ( but would NOT say that to SD ) going to her house with BM there. I can & he can tolerate her at grandchildren's birthday parties but traditions would be changed & would not want to spend holiday famly time with the ex.
SD 1 called me & told me that her sisters were going to "write off" their father if he did not go... neddless to say we still did not go. she manipulated with me with the fact that I would not want to see what she did for 11 years happen again.. I told her that would be THEIR choice if they wanted to be that immature.. I told he to go & I would stay here with my son & brother ( I was not going to have them feel uncomfortable along with me...
THe week after SD#3 calls her father in the middle of the night ' HIGH on drugs" ranting to him about something or other about HIM not ever being there for her mother when they were married... We did not know that she was " High at the time" her husband thought she was having a reaction to some drug that the Dr. put her on... but hubby went 2 hrs. to a hospital at 2:00 in the morning to appease her desire that he be there. to prove whatever( we still do not know) she stayed in the hospital till after Christmas.. she has 2 children 7 & 3 years old... her husband's mother was taking care of he burden of them while she was in the hospital.. I called a relative to get the mother inlaws telephone # to see if we could be of help...
I have now been accused of blabbing to all that SD#3 was in for drug detox... I did not know this until she got out of the hospital...
Now none of them will talk with me & I have been on the bad list again with SD#3 ..
I have decided that the only way I can have peace & take care of MY OWN feeling s with these girtls si to NOT associate with them any longer... Hubby agrees with me on this... so I will not attend any birthday parties any longer although I will miss the grandchildren & we will no longer have family Holiday's at our home... We are going to visit my sister this year for Easter & he has told them all of this..
I feel that I have never been accepted by them & that BM still has her nails in them as she loves to control..
I will no longer be at their mercy... but at the same time I feel guilty about doing this.. any help would be appreciated
How to deal with guilt? What
How to deal with guilt? What GUILT? lol... just kidding.
Welcome! You came to the right place.
Visualize your guilt as a cloud that you are blowing on and sending to your SDs. Let it land in their
backyard. And sit there. Guilt is leaving your space and settling down in theirs.
You have your family and you can enjoy guilt-free holidays with them.
No games, no blackmail, no manipulation.
Why would you feel guilty for getting rid of dysfunction?
You deserve a stress-free family life.
Guilt? I have none. SD is
Guilt? I have none. SD is only 14 but has been estranged for a few months now. I honestly could give a rat's ass if I ever see her again in my life after what she's put me and DH through.
I'm sorry you're feeling that way but for your sake - let it go. Toxic people (as the above posters already mentioned) need to be excluded from your life. I just had to recently let my own mother go. She crossed a line before, I let her in, and now 7 yrs later, I can see how much of a mistake that was and have let her go for good.
It hurts, yes. But you have no reason to feel guilty over them. None. Move on and be happy
You deserve that!
Guilt is a reflection that
Guilt is a reflection that you did or are doing something wrong.
In a situation like yours only logic can persuade you that you've done and are doing nothing wrong and therefore the guilt is misplaced. As a male I don't understand why women take on so much blame but I acknowledge that its a real feeling for you.
Can you keep reminding yourself who was wronged here? If not get a counselor who should be able to lead you out of this in just a few sessions, certainly no more than 4 so don't be lured into many more than that.
Thanks to ALL for your
Thanks to ALL for your replies!!!! I think I just needed to hear from others that have been in the same situations.. I guess my feelings are not REALLY of guilt, but of fault finding in myself that I am being weak & petty in my feelings, but I cannot put up with this any longer... I did not mention that while SD3 was in the hospital in detox she called me one day to apologize for all the hell she has put me through throughout the years, stateing that she was always told that & thought that I was trying to take her Daddy away.. I guess during her therapy she at least thought otherwise for a while... It really made me feel so GREAT that day.. even called the house for a while when she 1st got back home after Christmas & we would talk a bit.. then 3 weeks go by & found out only by accident that she was upset with me again accusing me of blabbing to others about her problem.. I know that came from SD#1 since she accused me of the same thing when I made the call to their aunt to get the telephone # to see if we could help with the grandchildren.. I was NOT blabbing ( only trying to be of help) Seems the girls were trying to keep it secret & not let BM find out she was in the hospital since SD#3 did not want her to visit her while she was there.. I did not know this, all I knew was that she could only have so many visiters & all she wanted there was her Dad, husband & 2 sisters.
I was ready to call her one day to see how she was doing when my hubby told me not to since she had called him earlier with her new complaints...
Now we are all back to square one, where they all just call him on his cell phone ( never the house).. That is the day I threw in the towel so to speak....I will NOT be downed by them any longer... this 1st seemed like a drastic measure on my part... since I have always just let things cool down a bit, but get right back into that 3 ring circle including bm, but thanks to viewing similar stories on this forum this may be my salvation!!!! Thank you all again for your input & support..
You and I are in the same
You and I are in the same boat. I am a stepmom of over 20 years. Do you know why you feel guilty? Because you started to put down boundaries, and nobody likes it, that's why. It is a funny thing when we start to think of ourselves first. We feel bad about it, why? We forget that they do not feel bad about putting us in uncomfortable positions all the time. Why should they? It is after all, all about them right?
I stopped feeling guilty just the last few years. Stopped feeling like it is my job to fix or make things right. It is not. You should not feel guilty either. These are adults, if they choose to act like big babies or use emotional blackmail (not talking to dad for 11 years) then let them. Their choice.
It is not your fault, or your husband fault that they do stupid things with their lives. It is not your job to bail them out, fix it, go out of your way to visit on holidays, etc. They can grow up and figure these things out for themselves. If they choose not to, if they choose to play the perpetual entitled victim (as you will notice from most of these posts stepkids that are 30-40 years old and still victims and infants), that is their deal, not yours.
Good luck, and remember... this too shall pass (in other words, eventually they will either get it or be idiots). Let them go, enjoy your life. Hey it is Friday, go out on a date with your hubby
No need to feel guilty. IF
No need to feel guilty. IF your neighbor was being rude and ignorant to you would you keep going back for more? Of course not!
Just because they are step family, you do not have to accept bullying and abuse by these grown babies. Protect your health and sanity and enjoy your life. You deserve it. Like me, 20 plus years is TOO LONG already to have put up with the BS!
they are adults now, and if
they are adults now, and if you didnt have a bond with them in the beginning it wont happen now that they are adults. I think its been long enough that you've had to keep your mouth shut, and understandable so they were kids they are all grown up now, its time for you to live your life and be happy!!!!....if they want to be apart of it. FINE, if not OH WELL!!!.....good luck to you. This is something I've always worried about when my SKs get older and how I would deal with it. Do you have any advice?
You sound like me only a few
You sound like me only a few years ahead. dH has three miserable daughters and their mother is a vile piece of work. They have beaten him to a pulp everyway possible. Taken him to court for all of life's extras and still have the audacity to call themselves victims.
They refused to come to our wedding and actually ruined our honeymoon by dropping a bomb on dh the day after our wedding.
That was three years ago. Mercifully for me, the two oldest want nothing more from their father as they are now emancipated. Which means they can no longer extract more money from him.
The youngest has been calling dh for the past year, only in his cell. She still is in college, and plans on law school. She sued dh to go to the college of her choice. What a selfish brat!! So I believe she is coming around because easier to get a judge to force dh to pay for grad school when she can claim a relationship, as opposed to being gone for 4 years. She recently had the nerve to ask him several times to cosign her loans. Dh pays a third, she and her witch mother pay each a third.
Dh wants a normal family, but he created monsters with a sociopathic narcissist who was cheating on him from the before they were married.
I tried to like them and have them like me. Even after several cruel court motions, I still included them in meals and such. That was before our wedding. But after, they took off the kid gloves and really showed how sadistic they could be.
A few months after our wedding, I was diagnosed with cancer.
I wrote each girl a letter basically asking them to join us and move forward together. I never heard back from any of them. The day of my cancer surgery, dh was in court on a motion. To be honest, I absolutely despise each one of them.
So when dh's daughter started calling him again, I felt such a flood of horror and shock.
All the emotions of my illness and first year of marriage just came crashing out.
I realize several things. Dh will never quit...he will never shut the door on them. They are evil. Pure and simple. You don't do what they have done. Sure people can fight, say things, but what they have planned, carried out.....just shocking to me.
I will never never have any engagement with any of them. Dh now realizes the depth of my hatred toward them. And he accepts it, and wants to move forward with me and my children. I accept that he will always have this need to try and make them out to be what they are not---decent kind human beings. I just will not be a part of their relationship. And a part of me will never love my husband totally and completely because he has welcomed her back.
It is so complicated, but so simple. He loves them unconditionally. And for me, I have come to peace with my feelings toward them. And I have the choice to delete them. Dh can not force my engagement with them. That is in my hands. So I feel peace.
I will never forget going
I will never forget going through cancer treatment, trying to support my husband in his daughter's lawsuit, and reading a bit of n email his ex sent. I have never met her, but she ended her letter with...." How awful this all is, and now I hear that your wife is ill. What tragedy! I truly wish her the best."
This was the day before my cancer surgery and the court motion. What a pig!! She dd not give a rat's ass about me and the cancer. Her daughters never responded to my letter.
I couldn't stand to lay eyes on any if them now.
And yes I suppose I will see them again at life's functions--- funerals, weddings, etc etc.
But I can see them as strangers. That won't be a lie.
My mother would have ripped
My mother would have ripped me a new one if I'd called up my dad to bitch that he should have been a better husband. She would have told me that it was none of my business to meddle in their marriage. And that was in an intact family.
You should feel guilty - guilty that you put up with so much crap for so long. It's never too late to remove toxic crap from your life.
How did you handle the SDs
How did you handle the SDs and your BSs? That is where my guilt and confusion comes to play. I feel like banning SD from unsupervised visits is necessary at this point. My SD27 only wants to be super sister when she is in town. Never calls texts or emails my D13.
My son is now 8 and his half
My son is now 8 and his half siblings barely make an attempt to make him feel like he is related. In the beginning when he was an infant i guess it was easy to act like he was "their" world and even then it was only the SD that did anything. But the last few years it is barely a peep, holidays come and go, no calls, no presents. It is like he does not exist.
This started to bother me and then just this past Christmas i realized that it is what it is. They are only concerned about him when it comes down to "what happens if you guys die, he should live with us." Bizarre, why? Is it because we have some kind of money to float out?
I have changed my will and if something happens to us he will live with my friend here in Colorado. As he gets older, he can choose to spend time with his siblings if he wants or expresses the desire. But I have stopped initiating it. I realize it is not my job, it is theirs. They are toxic and my son does not need to be around that.
Also, since their dad is not working, they expect him to visit 4-5 times a year. What they fail to realize is that we are not independently wealthy and my husband needs to be around to take care of our son. So summer, my husband and son will most likely take a trip back east to visit. I will stay where i am. If they wonder why i did not go, oh well. I have limited amount of vacation time and i would rather spend it with the dentist getting a crown or filling. Spending my precious vacation time around those idiots is akin to that... a drill in my mouth.
I appreciate your candor &
I appreciate your candor & you seem to have had the same types of situations over the years!!! Yes I can say that we may have had some ups & downs adjusting to our blended family even with my 2 sons... Their father threatened me way back when while we were separated for 6 years before our divorce.. ( He wanted to stay separated the rest of his life & keep me home taking care of his boys... he just needed time away since he never got to experience life as he said) You know those high school sweetheart romances that I was dumb enough to marry even when he used to cheat on me then!!! BOY I guess this is why ALL this guilt is coming out of me!!!! I was a stupid fool to fall for his stuff...!!! Anyway he told me he would never see the boys again if I divorced him... I finally did & that was the last day he would come visit or want to see them... so they did have a distrust of any man in my life... We did go to family couceling to help them all adjust to a man in the house... & that all turned out fine... I just still cannot fathom WHY this could not have come about with his girls???
SD#1 has a special needs son..( he is 11 years old now)( he was not diagnosed as such only by proddings until 7 months) . the day we saw him in the hospital when he was born ALL the other family were gaucking over him, as I was also.. but call it intuition or something... when I touched his cheek to caress him he gave me the most BEAUTIFUL smile that everyone saw.. They all knew it was NOT a gas bubble smile... & commented on that... BM included... time went on maybe 3 weeks old now..or maybe a bit more.. but when they would come to visit & I would hold him to give him his bottle & talk to him ( call it mother's instinct or whatever) I could NEVER get eye contact with him & could never get him to hold my finger etc. I would comment to my DH about this all the time, also to SD1 & her husband & then sometimes to ALL the family one would listen to me... the baby was PERFECT.. I was imagining things.. time went on... finally one day while grandma & grandpa were babysitting with still no responce with eye contact from him... I on my own brought him out into the sunlight & tried to prove to DH that he could not see... DH still would not believe me but asked SD#2 to check him out the next time she saw him.. She had a Day Care so she would know better.( she takes care of kids all day long).. Lo & behold she put a flashlight up to his eyes & NO dialation.... the same as I had seen.. She finally got SD#1 to get him cheked out... He has septo-optic nerve hypoplasia... chek it out... I checked it ALL out as we were with her that day at the Dr. I know motherhood is hard for I have found out... SD# 1 was MORE concerned that SHE did not see this & I think that I was the one to bring it to everyone's attention so to speak,although I was really not... it was SD#2..
After that I looked up EVERYTHING I could find about his condition... SD#1 still would only say that he was blind... but I knew more & would try to have her look into it to be more prepared for what would come with him & try to help it all.. They all just ignored it all... even her BM was being ignorant to the fact of it all.. but I was asking Bm to talk with SD! to convince her to try to look for help & support through org. out ther for children with the same diagnosis.. No way... he was just blind..
Time passed.. other issues came about with grandson.. We helped out as much as we could but SD 1 & her husband at the time were looking for MORE from all the relatives... but we are all older.. I could no longer take care of grandson as he got bigger, my back could not tolerate it any longer.. I would buy a back brace for a bit but that soon did not help... SD always would call DH to babysit... he would ask me & I would say ok.. He did not do the he would go out & do his yardwork.( he had a hard time accepting & dealing with him emotionally).. I did it but it came a time that I could not do it any longer... although I love my Dh"s grandchild.. so we had to say no at times... along with the rest of the family members that were older & could not handle him physically any longer... we would, but not all the time as before...
Things got tough for them,I would alway talk to them about support groups etc. but was pusged off..
Next thing we find out DSS has gotten involved & in the middle of thier divorce grandson was taken away.SD1 was found smoking pot all the time.. her now ex husband but NOT at the time called me one day & accused me of turning her in.. I HONESTLY did not know that she was doing that but told him that if I DID I know I probably WOULD I could see thier point of a mother being a pot head & raising a son with special needs...
Needless to say grandson is now in a residential school run by the state... SD1 HATES where he is since she did not have a say so as to where he was to be placed.( she did in a way but NOT to her expectations) .. but DH & I both feel that this is beter for him & also for her.. We both knew that she is not the type to raise children, let alone a special needs child...
This is why I may feel guilt about this whole diengaugement thing... I do want to see my grnadchild when I can.. but tonight have just discussed with DH about going on our OWN visits ( which we are entitled to ) to see him without SD1..
Like I said this is a very radical thing that I may be coming to with these girls & I PRAY that DH is REALLY with me on this... There is so much MORE to this that I do not want to go into..
But I appre4ciate your input along with everyones here.. I have come to realize that I am not alone in this & there are so many out there with the same problems..
It is such a shame that with all the disrupted families today that ther are not MORE support for those going through the same thing.. or for that matter MORE support for those BEFORE they enter into a 2nd marriage with children supporting & helping ALL the family members to better understand & accept things..
I never thought I would be in this position... as I took marriage seriously the 1st I do again NOW... but with so many divorced & blended families today too bad there is not that many that you can turn to for support & help..(BUT I FOUND YOU GUYS!!!! BETER THAN A SHRINK!!!! AS I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE GOING THROUGH THIS & WAS CRAZY!!!!)
I REALLY do not hate my SDs or for that matter dislike them.( distrust them YES).. I still feel that EVERYONE has some GOOD in them if they can only let down thier walls..
So sad that there has to be walls & games to be played to get to the REAL TRUE HEART of people...
Things got worse
Hello, I read with interest
I read with interest all the comments and deep emotional suffering that many of you have encountered due to your skids. I am coming from the same situation basically and it seems to me that the skids are not to be totally blamed for these situations because if the spouses, that are allowing this kind of behavior in their adult children, would lay down the law in the beginning, so to speak, this would not happen. My husband is the same way with his children and I have come to believe that these spouses, like this conflict because they had such difficult relationships with their ex spouses and children that by letting you be the scapegoat, the pressure is taken off of them and they want their ex spouse to feel good somehow? It's the something over and over.
I say "I have had enough and want peace in my life, if my husband wants to play this little game with his (two ex wives and his children, let him but not on my account, done with the stress"..there's so many things that we all have in common and the idea that they are going to change later is ridiculous because it's not going to happen!!! We are just their to let them wipe their feet on us meanwhile manipulating every situation possible. They have no intention of having a relationship with a step parent, it's too difficult for them, when the ex seems bent on destroying the new relationship by poisoning the skids. Well, I think that we should just go on with our lives, I am so bitter now that even being near them makes me sick and I say " for our health and happiness, withdraw and find ourselves again"
Hi pelican. Yes we all on
Hi pelican. Yes we all on this board have many horror stories. Unfortunately these toxic people will be a part of our husband's lives, but I am learning that they do not have to be a part of ours! We have the choice and the right to say no. My dh last night started his rant about judges and lawyers and usually I would then go and say,hey it was your daughters and ex who brought you there in the first place! Duh!!!
But I was determined to keep them out, so I agreed, and kept the conversation non personal. And life went on.
The door stayed shut, and I love what step aside said---keep them out of all conversation, and you and dh will even think about them less.
I do want my marriage to work, and I do realize that no matter what they do, dh will always have a relationship with his daughters.
I on the other, have no desire or interest to ever see such cruel people again. Dh knows where I stand on this issue. He knows the intense pain I feel about the first year of my marriage. He believes it is my own issue--the stress of cancer and the hell of the treatments---I see it as how could they be so heartless knowing what we were going through. Even his own lawyer at one point said for him to be with your wife for her surgery and forget about this for awhile. The lawyer was astounded by the cruelty of his daughters and ex. Seems dh has fiorgotten all that.
I honestly do not know hw you ladies you have very frequent contact deal with people like this.
Life is too short, if my days are limited, they will not include them!
I am in total agreement with
I am in total agreement with Pelican Lover & NewImproved,,, youe the spouses do have some blame in all this.... I know mine did for a long time... He has now come to realize 25 years too late that he did NOT play enough of a father role when we 1st got together... He was still acting the role of his previous marriage.... Daddy worked a lot to give them all the material things they wanted... Mommy was the diciplinary in charge of raising the girls.... He does admit now that he thought it would just work the same ... If he had laid down the laws in the 1st place maybe things would have been different... but there was always that conflict of me not being the REAL mother ..
ONly in the past few years has he come to see that this was wrong & HAS tried to lay down boundaries with the girls now... especially during these past few situations... He has come right out to ALL of them individually & told them fi they do not respect me , they do not respect him... & he is behind me 100% on this now... He has already told them we are planning OUR OWN family holiday traditions from now on... we will have them here or be visiting out of state to my family .. Skids are trying to start a tradition to have BM included to ALL the functions now since she is alone ( 3 divorces now so she is ALL alone) she has her own family members ( sisters) that she could go there but they are all kind of estranged at the moment....
DH has come to realize the SDs & BM have been in control of OUR LIVES all this time... We would always be doing to PLEASE THEM as a lot of parents tend to do.. BUT NO MORE!!! If they do not want to come around SO BE IT !! I always felt guitly of the fact SD#1 did not acknowledge him for 11 years.. I thought he was so hurt by all this & I did not want to be the cause of him not having contact with his girls... since my boys had no contact with thier Dad.. It has taken me a long to time see that I was not the cause of any of it on either side...It was my ex'x selfish choce not to see his children & SD#1 selfish manipulations to hurt her Dad...
Again SOOO glad I have found this forum... !!! I think it helps us stepparents to gain back our strength.. Good luck to ALL in the quests to have a sane & peaceful life!!!!