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Thank you Steptalk Family

Last-Wife's picture

Everyone's kind words about my holiday card issue (posted yesterday) made me feel so much better! I have done Valentine's Cards before, or just included pictures in the kids' thank you notes. I LOVE the idea of Halloween cards with me dressed as a witch and everyone else as devils! HA-HA.

Thank you for helping me to feel better and realize I was not "wrong" in any way, and that it was actually tacky of my in-laws to comment on my New Year's Cards.

I don't always need Steptalk as much as I used to; I'm probably going to curse myself by saying this- but we are all in a really good place right now. But it is so nice to know I have a place to come when I need help, advice or to vent.

(Venting will be coming soon- Loca is wanting to plan a combined family HS graduation party for PITA! LOL)
