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Luna HG's picture

Follow up from last post...
So I do think BF went with SIL to get me a present so I tried to act normal when they came to pick me up even though I was still annoyed. We went shopping for more presents and took SIL home. BF never picked up SS because he is sick again. We go home he starts playing his video games and I asked him why didnt he tell me he was going to be with his mom and sisters in the morning instead of having me wake up thinking we were gonna spend the morning together. He stuck to his story that he did tell me. I'm like ok I'm really annoyed with you all I want is for you to tell me whats happening thats all. If you would of told me we would of avoided this. So now he got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. I'm like ok whatever and took a nap. When I woke up he said he was gonna get some diapers and go take them to SS and give BM CS $. So I said don't forget we need to pick up my cousin from the airport. So I'm home waiting for him to get back so we can watch Pearl Harbor together and to see if I can calm down from this. Well he takes a little over two hours to get back. I'm even more pissed. I said what were you doing so long. Hes like I was with my son I haven't seen him all week. I'm like ok koo if your with your some but TELL ME YOUR GOING TO STAY WITH HIM! I'm sitting at home waiting for you like a damn idiot for you. All I'm asking you is to tell me what you are doing. You know I changed my day off so I can be with you but you haven't done anything to spend time with me today. So I ignore him. He's on the computer and he starts watching Pearl Harbor by himself on Youtube. That was like a freaking slap in the face. So its like 11:45 pm and his mom calls. Idk whats happening but BF leaves to go to store to buy medicine for SS. When he leaves I asked him what happened and he said "It's nothing." He comes home like an hr n a half later and he doesn't say anything to me. I go to sleep. So this morning my mo invited us to go eat breakfast at her house. I asked him if he wants to go he said no he has to go check on his son. I said fine whatever. I text his sis to see what happened with SS. She told me that BM sent her sis a message on FB that SS was sick. I asked her what did the message say but I haven't gotten a response. So BM is so damn incompetent that she cant take care of her son and she can't ask her mom which she lives with or her aunt down the hall from her what to do so she has to have BF go spend even more money and have him save the day. Fuck this little bitch cant even take care of her son. Sooo fucking mad right now. I don't even want to let BF borrow my car for their concert tonight or even go to it. GRRRRRRRR!!


notagain2012's picture

I'm sorry, but if he needed to be at the BM house so much, he should just move in. If he needed to take care of the kid, the kid should have just came to your house.

There is not a chance in hell my SO (or i) would be running back and forth to our exs house to take care of a kid. And she lives with other people? Hell no. He sounds like he enjoys spending more time over there than at home. Does this happen alot? Are they still dating, or still married? Wth?

I would be pissed enough to call it quits. Actually, just after reading it, I'm pissed and want to say and accuse him of many ugly things.

Luna HG's picture

Well I've told him when hes with his son to just pick him up and take him somewhere but he only listens to that some of the time. He only takes SS for one day of the week though. She still lives at home with her parents. No they are not married or anything like that the only reason he talks to her is because of SS.

oldone's picture

Sorry but this all sounds way too fishy. Guys having affairs have all this "missing" and "unaccounted for" time.