time to call it a day?
hi glad i stumbled onto this site.. i am not the only one with step kid issues..mines a long story but i wll keep it brief...ish! my patners kids basically do my head in! she had 5 boys, 3 of whom live at home, her 16 year old is the real problem, his language to his mom and me at times is vile, he is aggresive and has threatend to hit me before now.. one time his mom took his xbox off him and locked it in our bedroom, we had locks on door due to things going missing form the room, and he actually kicked in the door and got the xbox back, while his mom was still in the bedroom! he has been kicked out of school and now college dont want him so he sits around doing nothing all day cept eating.. his older brother who is 18 has stole things from me and last year tried smashing up the house a couple of times, we called the police and my partner kicked him out, but now he comes down regulary to vist his mom, i ignore him which causes rows with my partner as she says i should forget and forgvie him for the past..but he his her son and i dont see it like she does.. her eldest, who lives with us, has his son over every weekend, which i dread, he has toys out all over the place and causes havoc.. when my son and his wife comes to vist with his new born baby my partner stays in another room and completly blanks them, she hasnt even seen my granson yet, she says it is because i blank her son.. been here stresses me out so much, i amd always anxious and i am always on edge, i cant say anything to her about her kids and thier behavours as she threatens to kick me out... this has been going on now for 3 years, and there is so much more her kids have done... but i finally feel like enough is enough, i love my partner, but been unhappy all the time is getting to much, i am 50 and not getting any younger and the stress is no good for my health!
thanks for the replys and
thanks for the replys and positive support, yeah i guess inside i already knew what needs to be done, its just having others see my point of view, as i have no friends or anyone to talk to really, and i dont want to burden my sons with all this.. i have very recently been made redundant, and i have no savings so just up and moving is not yet possible as i have nowhere to go.. i will just bear it out till i find employment so i can afford a place to rent..
I guess when i first moved in with my partner and her kids i thought it would be how it was with my ex and my own sons, but boy i was wrong, no two familes ar ethe same, and when i do move out this has put me off ever meeting someone who has kids at living home,.. and if your reading annith my son as more or less stopped coming down, like you said, the tension is there for all to see.. so here is to a new year, a new job and a new start ALONE in my life, even at 50!!
Change the locks and put your
Change the locks and put your STB former partner and her toxic spawn on the curb. End of issue.
Live a happy life and don't tolerate this kind of spineless parenting and toxic gene pool in your home.
IMHO of course.
hi again, yeah we are not
hi again, yeah we are not married, and the house is rented from our local council but it is in her name, i would like to thank yo all for the replys, it really helped me make up my mind as to what needs to be done, and its good to see so many other people actully cant stand their stepkids, well i say good, i guess it is kind of sad in a way that these stepkids from hell tend to ruin good relationships between their parents and thier new stepmums/dads... have a good xmas everyone