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Stepmom´s.... One worse than the other?

mulleimer1's picture

Stepmom´s.... One worse than the other?
Well, I actually wanted to start with a more positiv story, but I am afraid that that wont work for me today.

I have had in my life quite a few stepdad´s and stepmom´s, and one was worse than the other. Alright, I might be exaggerating a bit due to my bad mood right now, which is due to my "NEW" stepmom number 2. If I can call her that, cause she´s got nothing with a mom in common and she is not that new. My Dad met her approximately 4 years ago on a party, shortly after he got seperated with my stepmom number 1.

The first Time I saw her( my "NEW" stepmom, I´ll give her a name to make it easier: Cruella, I cant think of better one, but this will do for now) I was disturbed from her frozen smile. She drown my brother, my sister and me in overfriendlyness. First I thought, she might just have had a face-lifting, then I thought she is just FAKE and finally, don´t be silly she´s truely nice! You must know that I really try not to judge to hasty and if I notice that I do, than I give the person the chance to change my mind. So as like with every other person I tried to do this with Cruella... The first few years it really worked out between me and Cruella, but just because I was in boarding school far far away from home... where I didn´t have to live with her. Now I am back. I finished my IB one year ago and I had decided to come back home to be closer to friends and family. And it just doesnt Work!

Now I am asking myself, how could I have let this come so far? Eventhough I new from the beginning that she was evil! On one side I think I was just ignoring the fact that she existed. I didnt really believed that my dad would stay that long with her. So what do you learn? Never assume! This woman is stubborn! She does anything to keep my Dad pleased, so she can keep on living on his expenses! But that is not the actual problem, the problem is her personality. She is a cold, calculative, lie. Who does not care about anyoneelse than herself! She has got a daughter, which in my opinion she does not treat very affectionate, at least not so affectionate how a mother should treat her daughter. Obviously, if she cant even be heartily to her own daughter? How can I expect from her to be different with us? However, I dont think that that should be my problem nor a excuse for her acting so bit*$%. It is only that she is ruining my already disrupted family. Neither my brother nor my sister come to visit us at home, because of Cruella.

Cruella always forces herself into the point of attention. She is always "sick" and thats why she cant go work regularly or why she couldnt enjoy her holiday. She has got massive boobs which always have to be presented, even when they are already hanging so far out that you can see her nippels (excuse my form of expression). I think that my Dad is still together with her because he digged himself to deep into this disaster and now he doesnt really know how to get out of it. But if he doesnt make decision a soon, I am not sure how long I will be able to stand this spectacle.

Surely I wish my Dad the best, but thats why I want him to get rid of her (I know most of you would think, its non of my business + its his decision and his life). But it is difficult to watch and let people that you love walk into a wrong direction.

I want him to be truely happy, cause he really deserves it. But as already said, I cant cope with her anymore. She is capable of changing my mood in just a few seconds. She is has no empathy, what so ever! She is just driving me crazy.

She is just one day back from holiday and she has already brought chaos back into the house!

Does anyone know a single independent, heartly and goodlooking woman? For an amazing dad with loads of humor and energy?

Check my Blog

joanie's picture

... }:)

joanie's picture

so, you're an adult living rent free, and you wanna decide who your dad has sex with because you don't like big boobs?

I think you're kinda in for a very rude awakening.

donna123's picture

Queen Grimhilde or Lady Tremaine are good name suggestions. But Cruella is just fine as long as you don’t have a Dalmatian over there.

Oh, and this isn’t a dating site. So if you want to find a date for your father I’m sure there are plenty of sites for teen daughters seeking dates for their married fathers.

Hope that helps!

Disneyfan's picture

I think it's a joke. Just a piece if satire. She has posted it twice. The other one is getting a predictable response.

Rags's picture

Let me get this right. You moved from boarding school in to this woman's home where you want to destroy her marriage and evict her from her home and you want to get support from a StepParent's community that clearly states that it is a place where StepParents come to vent?

I think your dad needs to sue your boarding school for a refund because the education product they provided you was an extreme waist of his money. A education should help a child to become self sufficient and to grow character. It seems to me that your expensive boarding school failed in both of these areas.

How about rather than asking for support in breaking up your father and SM's marriage you ask for help on how to integrate in to the blended family that your father is making with your SM?

Sounds like a better tactic to me.

Welcome by the way. I hope you find this a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some good advice from others who are living the blended family dream.