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Step children you don't respect

Lexyspeaks46's picture

I am having difficulties with accepting a few of my stepchildren, because of how childish they are and their lack of respect which in return makes me have no respect. I love their mother so much, but I can only handle them in small doses. I don't even wanna be around when they come to stay for a few days. I would rather be around someone else's kids. Is this forum private? I really need to vent all the way, but I am afraid to.

Lexyspeaks46's picture

Thank you Mairin. I have talked to their mother about some of the issues.. I just need a place to vent because it's starting to wear me out.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Completely understand the need to vent! I've sometimes been afraid of DH or his ex finding my posts here, but then there is a small part of me that wishes they would! Maybe if they saw that other people also thought that they weren't standing up to do their jobs and that their precious princess is growing up to be one of those adults that will walk around thinking the world owes them and they don't have to do anything to earn their way through life, that maybe, just maybe they would do something about it!

From one step to another, I totally understand how you feel! It is very difficult when the skids do not show any respect, and their bio-parents don't demand that, at the very least, their children show you some sort of respect just for being an adult human being! Like my case...I don't want to replace SD14's mom...of course, I pray every day that BM will finally snap out of whatever world she is in and actually do her job as a mom...but I never wanted to replace her mom. That is why I don't feel it is my place to have to correct her about it cleaning up after herself, not lying, etc. That should be coming from her dad, and my only role is to stand up in support of his rules. But when he has no rules, well, one can only get frustrated at the chaos it causes!

Lexyspeaks46's picture

I so totally agree.
We spoke last night and she explained that, because she's been in a nurturing role as the mother and not so much as a disciplined figure that maybe she needs to spend more time correcting them, so I can enjoy them instead of always being pissed off, because she does nothing.
She agreed. I want us to be a happy family. I just don't know sometimes when the problems are legit or their father influenced to break us apart. I trust her in that aspect, but not him!!