SS goes to visit BM every summer in another state
Okay this is the deal SS came in my life when he was 8 he is now 15. We have a pretty good relationship. However, whenever he goes to visit his BM in the summer I am completely put on the back burner. SS calls his BF(my DH) frequently, but rarely acknowledges me. This has been a viscous cycle for the last 6 years. The situation has been addressed, but nothing changes. DH tells me I am overreacting. The killer part is SS doesn’t stay with his BM while he is visiting he stays with his older brother because his BM claims he doesn’t have room for him to spend nights over her house. In a nut shell the woman is trifling, but I do recognize she is still his BM. Nevertheless, I have taking on the role of mother inspite of not having any children of my own and it feels like slap in the face when everything is all good but in the summer you act like I don’t exist. I AM TO THE POINT WHERE IT MAKES ME SO MAD. That I am about to wipe my hands clean of him. Shoot if you don’t know me in the summer then late me forget you permanently when you come back home. We can just all co-exist in the house. I’m tired of having my feelings hurt.
I have the same deal but in
I have the same deal but in reverse,, we get him for about 6-7 weeks in the summer,, he's great when he's here( we both are a little stand offish) but we do ok.. but when he goes back home I don't talk to him for months,, he hardley even calls his dad(my hubby)he's 13 so he knows how to use a phone,, he's like his mom everyone should jump for him, but he gives nothing basck?? oh well,, i'm not gonna loose any sleep over a kid thats not mine and doesn't want a relationship with me eather,,,,