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Sd15 Caught Again!!!!

canigetabm's picture

So SD15 got caught sneaking a boy in @12:30am last night. Taking away the computer and phone are NOT working. She just got them back last night after her last "stunt". You ST'ers are awesome what are some different discipline ideas that will catch a teenagers attention?

Edited to add we have front and back door camaras so sneaky SD15 got caught letting him in the side door of the garage because the camaras miss that door and he would have to hop a list locked fence. We are also now putting double key locks on the door.

What kind of punishment for SD would wake her up?

Sorry I posted in blogs but thought you teenage steppers might have different ideas?

canigetabm's picture

Thank you! Everyone seems to think the door and strip the room. I also like no makeup, hair products and 5 outfits. We will see in a few how this is gonna go down...I'll let you know!!!

unwillingparticipant's picture

Camera's outside? NOPE - I'd put a camera or two in her room. DH and I just had this argument

DH "ss13 deserves privacy"
ME "Not when he can't be trusted"

The baby monitor is in there and it will stay in there until he CAN be trusted.

Rags's picture

First, have the young man arrested. That brings the pain to SD-15 socially. Meet with the young man's parents and inform him that the next time he is on your property you will press charges.

Inform SD that she will not have her driver's license until she is 18 and can get it on her own.

No more smart phone. Get her a flip phone with only a number key pad that limits her to calls and texts only. No more internet access from your home.

Put cameras on all doors and make sure that all windows are covered by your alarm system. Call your alarm company for an upgraded pad that can be programed for her code so that she only has 15 seconds to enter the home then the alarm is reset and only the motion sensor is deactivated once she enters. She can't leave unless someone lets her out or she calls for you or dad to remotely let her out.

Own her ass. If she wants to act like what she thinks an adult acts like lock her life down tight.

Far better that she come to you and her dad, explain that she is in a relationship, and talk through it with you than sneak around about it and use your home in this manner.

At about her age and for the next 5-7 years or so if neither me nor my GFs had our own place where we could have privacy I just used hotels. I paid for them out of my own pocket and that preserved the sanctity of my parents home and gave me the privacy I wanted.

If she is going to be sneaky about it then she needs to step up and fund it herself and get a lot smarter about it.

And .... take her door of the hinges. She can sleep in her Snoopy PJs for all in the home to see until she learns to respect the rules of the home.

legmel's picture

I don't know what I would do? Thankfully where we live my SD14 would never be able to try that stunt, she is too dumb to figure the alarm and motion detectors we have – so she would set the alarm off. But I agree with all the other posts remove her door. I done the same to my SD14 when she was caught snooping through my things and then lied about having done it. Put her on BC ASAP else you will be babysitting soon. I have installed a nannycam as well this week – still waiting for the sparks to fly on that.

legmel's picture

agree Sally! We have burglar bars, boundary sensors, sensor floodlights, armed response and dogs - ain't no teenage boy getting in or getting out without us knowing about it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

With what has been said...

Take away the bedroom door. That is what I did to BD24 when she was caught sneaking out. Also agree with Sally...some burglar bars, sensors, flood lights...maybe it is time to plant something extra thorny under SD's windows. }:)

Also agree with Rags. No smartphone, no driver's license until 18. Kill her socially!

canigetabm's picture

Update: Sadly my SO took her door off and that was that and took her computer.....that's it no talking/no describing consequences...nothing. They ignored each other for the evening. To say the least I was disappointed as I felt it was a very important lesson to be taught.....Wow how sad especially when my SO rages when my BS15 leaves the light on or his clothes on the bathroom floor. Sigh I guess Disney Dad showed up last night instead.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You might refer everyone involved (especially the boy) to the below stories. In both of them the father found a male in his daughter's room and shot and killed him. In both cases the father did not know the boy and thought he was an intruder. One of the girls actually told her dad she didn't know the boy!