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Sd wants her mom to leave

takestep4wrd's picture

I know that I was in the worong for crossing a line. I't was not planned just happen. For one I was angry with my wife and had way to much to drink. my wife was working. The worst part is it was the netdoor neighbor and my wifes friend. she was over a lot that day drinking heavy aso. When I ran out of alcohol at my house she invited me to hers to do shots (please kmow I don't drink often) after a few shots. We were both very drunk. I told her I was in need and took her to her bedroom. she locked the backdoor. whenin bedroom I had her pants to thighs when kids her son my SD knocked on lock door looking for me. She put on rob over her cloths that had not come off i hid in room while she went to backdoor. she told my SD I was not there. when kids left i waited a few min and went home SD saw me leave her house. I know this looks bad to her and she thinks more happen then did and what did happen was just as wrong. I want to make things work with my wife she does to but is pulled cause daughter wants to move out now and hates her. What is the best was I can right this desaster I have caused. Can it be fixed or should my wife stick myDS's side.

distorted reality's picture

Stop drinking and stay away from the neighbor. :jawdrop: You'll have to elaborate a bit more on the SD's relationship with her BM before anyone can really offer advice.

takestep4wrd's picture

Thanks for comment back. I agree with what have to say. As for my SD relationship with BM its always been a give give on my wifes end and my SD just never let herself become close with BM. This has been something that both my wife and I have delt with over the last 10yrs. My SD has lived with us the entire time and has visitation with Dad. Some times were worse then others but latley its been tough. My SD being 14 does not help, its an hard age. I have lived with my SD for over 10 yrs and she has always held me at a distance and saddley also did same with her BM. The cause was the constant negative things being said or put into her head from such a young age. SD was 3 when I entered her life. So as long as I have known my wife and SD my wife has always been trying so hard. Sp daughter now has the idea that she just does not have to do a thing, but if you say no look out. I also want to add that even to me It feels like I'm talking SD down. Just pointing out are struggles. I love her very much just wish I had the ability to even more but her wall has always been high. She has let it down at times but not for long. At this time SD is wanting to move to dads. I am almost sertin that will kill our marriage

somerg's picture

i have to agree with druzzilla, alcohol brings out OUR TRUE desires. so you've obviously been in "need" for a while and i have to say shame on you for not being faithful to your wife :sick: if she decides to work it out with you, she's a real trooper, to be honest if it were ME all contact with the neighbor would be DEAL BREAKER and there would be problems if you were "alone" with any woman :sick: :sick:

that's all i have to say

Jsmom's picture

Sorry - I have no tolerance for this kind of behavior. You have a problem with drinking and this is probably not the first time you have cheated on your wife. Either get help or get out of this marriage. As for the SD, you can't fix that relationship, she is a teenager and they are hard to deal with in a good marriage.

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