Pride at last!!!
My SD turned 18 a month and a half ago and moved out the same day. In with her gma cause she let's her do anything. Anyhow the positive..... She is the only one in her group of "friends" that has a car and a job so I knew this day would come some day. Last night it happened and I couldn't be prouder. My SD goes to cosmotology school every morning and has to get up around 5:30 am. At 10 pm last night she gets a text message from one of her "friends" asking her to drive 20 minutes to pick some of them up and drop them off at another location so they can go get drunk. All underage I might add. My SD said "are you kidding me?!?" the friend said sorry figured you would say no and other silly excuses. My SD said ya but I'm the one with the car right? She didn't pick up anyone and told them they were being stupid. She stood her ground to be responsible. She told them that they were just wanting to use her not offering gas money or anything just asking for something like that when they know she has to be up at 5:30 am for school and work and offering nothin in return not even has money screams using. I guess husband and I did something right in the past 12 years. And she texted me when it happened. I couldn't be more proud of her. Makes the past 12 years of total and utter stress seem like it wasn't a lost cause. Just thought I would post a positive and say thanks to the amazing people on this forum for the strength to make it through the toughest years.
Ahhh, love to hear that. So
Ahhh, love to hear that. So glad at least one lesson got through. There is hope!!
I like to say "Sometimes you
I like to say "Sometimes you win" but this wasn't the lottery it was the result of a lot of hard work and being an example. Good on ya.
Awesome! Good job.
Awesome! Good job.
Thank you all. We feel lucky.
Thank you all. We feel lucky. A lot of kids out there would have blown off their responsibilities and joined in with the party. I am glad I was the evil nagging stepmother. aparantly some lessons do get learned without falling flat on your face:-)