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Pokemon Go

sandmaker's picture

So my SK has been obsessed with Pokemon Go ever since it came out. At first I didn't pay much attention to it then I came across the following article:

The article inspired me to download the game myself and start to play it as well. Since then we have spent a lot more time together. We have been taking long walks around the neighborhood playing the game and chatting about whatever. I know it may not work for everyone, and it may not last, but it has brought my SK and I together recently and it's been great.

Rags's picture

You lost me at Pokemon.

Crack for kids.. and apparently for adults too.

A former coworker of mine turned me on to the "Pokemon is crack for kids" mantra when my SS-24 was nuts over Pokemon then Yuh-Ghi-Oh, then ....... His son was on the same crack at the time.

We had to purge that crap from our home when SS was in 8th grade because it was driving us insane.

It was a closely run race. We nearly lost him down the same digital crack rabbit hole that turned his SpermIdiot into a complete waste of skin.

My kid did learn how to moderate his gaming habbit at least enough to not get kicked out of the USAF. He is doing well. His mom and I are very proud of him.