New here...and need some advice....
This is kinda long..Im sorry. I need to get this all out to someone.
My Fiance and I have been together for almost 4 years. We are getting married next year. My fiance has a Daughter that is 10 years old. We get along very well thankfully. We have our days that are not the greatest, but I know that is normal. She is starting to get into the "pre teen" days. She is definately PMS'ing. I am just waitning for the day she starts her period...because I know its coming soon.
I guess the thing that is the hardest for me is the way my fiance and my FSD act. One my fiance acts more like her older brother at times than her father. He is 31 and yet he doesn't act that way. He lets her back talk him and disrespect him...and I can't stand it. He is getting better. I sat him down and told him that he needs to not let her do that. If he really loves her he has to be the disciplinary dad that he should be so he can teach her how to act properly.
The second thing is that I think at 10 years old there are certain things that a little girl that is becoming a young lady should not do now. She does not need to be sitting on her dads lap. Sitting on his knee...thats fine...but she does not need to be anywhere near his lap. But yet she does and he seems to think its fine. She wants to be held like a baby sitting on his lap and its not right. She cuddles with him on the couch...kind of how I cuddle with him. If he is laying on the couch she will run in and jump on top of him and lay on top of him. That definately bugs me. Because she has seen me do that. Its ok for me...but not for her. He tells me that she is his baby girl and she just wants to cuddle with him cause she loves him. I know he doesn't see it the way I do nor does he see anything wrong. I know that he thinks its just a child wanting attention from her father. I think its not. I think its her way of getting attention yes, but in a way that is wrong. She see's him giving me attention that way and I think she wants the same kind of attention.
She is the only child and she thinks everyone is supposed to cater to her and make sure she is not bored. She always wants to play board games. Which is fine...but not every minute. Sometimes I feel bad telling her no that I dont want to play. But I only have the weekends to relax and so I like to sit and spend time with my fiance and just sit and watch a movie or tv with him for a little while.
I love my FSD I really do. She is a wonderful child. But there are just somethings that I don't know how to deal with. I want her to act like a young lady and not lay all over my fiance. It bothers me. She doesn't neeed to do that. She isn't his wife or fiance I am so she doesn't need to be that close with him...that way. I have spoken with my fiance and I told him that it bothers me and kinda creeps me out. I was never that way with my father. My mother from the start said. He is her husband and our father. There are certain things that we are not to do. We do not act that way towards him. If I had a bad dream I would come in and lay next to my mom till I callmed down and then she would put me back to bed. Never once did I ever lay in bed next to my dad.
My fiance however see's nothing wrong with that. My FSD10 cannot sleep alone. She still sleeps with her mom and when at my fiance's moms house she sleeps with her grandmother. When she comes to our house though. She has her own room and her own bed and she does everything she can not to go to bed. She reads until we turn the light of and make her go to bed. Then she lays there and sobs and cries till she falls asleep. The other night while I was at work my FSD didn't want to stay at our house. So my fiance took her home. Well her mother didn't want her home cause she had a guy over. She told her daughter that she had plans and didn't know she was going to be coming home and that she had to stay at her dads house. Well my FSD10 started crying saying but you told me you wanted me home and that you wished I could stay home with you. Well of course the mom didn't say anything she just held her while she cried...and looked at my fiance and said she had to go with him. So he carried her out of the house and into the car and took her home. She was so upset. She told him that she doesn't feel comfortable at our house cause its not hers. (I have done so much to make her feel comfortable to. I got her a nice bed and comforters in her favorite colors. I let her decorate her walls with posters that she wanted. I don't know what else to do.) She also told him that she doesn't like that he doesn't pay attention to her that he just watches tv. Which isn't true. Yes he watches tv but he plays games with her too. And she agreed to that. But of course she started crying histerically when she had to go to bed. So what does he do....GRRRR!!!...he lets her sleep in our bed next to him!! I did not know this till I got home. I was getting into bed and he rolled over saying did you put her to bed. I said "did I what??" he repeated it again. I said no I guess she put herself to bed...and why the heck was she in our bed???? She has her own bed I told you not to do that and you know how I feel. He says dont tell what do do right now you don't know the circumstances!! Oh that set me off.
Of course the next day...she acted like everything was fine. I dont know why she is this way. She always does this. We have her this weekend and Im sure she will be crying herself to sleep again.
Thankfully my fiance and I talked about what happened that night. He told me what went on. I told him that he is hurting her by letting her sleep in the bed. I told him that he should have just told her to sleep in her own bed especially with what happened. He was just caudling everyone else. I told him I dont like her sleeping in our bed. I won't have her sleep in our bed. She is ten and is capable of sleeping alone. And it is just a little wierd for her to be in the same bed as him. I also told him how I feel about her laying on him and sitting on his lap. He seemed to get what I said. But I will have to wait and see what happens this weekend. I don't want him to not have a loving relationship with his daughter. I want it to be healthy though. He needs to teach her how to be a young lady and show her how. I try to do the same thing. I just hope that she see's that later on in life.
Sorry for this being so long!!
There is a loving
There is a loving father/daughter relationship and then there's a relationship that borders on illegal! If she went to school and told the counselor some of this stuff, social services would open a file on your household in a heartbeat! Trust that little voice in your head (I KNOW you are hearing it!). Something is just not right here. She's acting in the wife/girlfriend mode in so many ways, and he's allowing it.
Work this out BEFORE you marry him. If it doesn't work itself out, RUN!!!!
I know nothing is going on on
I know nothing is going on on his part. He would never do anything like that with or to her. She is the one who is acting inappropriately. I don't know how to get it across to her that she does not need to act that way. I mean his family is very loving. Well his mother and himself. I mean so is my family but its different. I would never want him to lose his daughter. I love her as close as I can to my own. Please dont think he is doing anything wrong...because that definately is not it.
How do I get her out of the wifey/gf mind set. Is it a dominance thing. I am the only woman that he was ever let her meet. He didn't introduce me until he was certain that we were going to be together. So I know its new. But we have been together for almost 4 years. So you would think she would be over the whole Im afraid that daddy won't love me as much as he loves her. She asked when we first dated who he loved more. And he told her he loves each of us differently because each of us have a different spot in is heart.But that he loves us one has more love than the other. He loves me because I at the time was his gf and she is his daughter so its different. So I would think she would be ok. So Im not sure where this is all coming from. Is it the whole pre teen pre puberty thing???
If this is what she's learned
If this is what she's learned is acceptable for 10 years, it's going to take some time for her to accept a change. That's not to say change doesn't need to happen. It does. A 10-year old girl has no business sleeping in bed with her father, a brother, or any other guy.
My guess is that he has let her do it because it's what she's comfortable with & it keeps her from crying. She's just going to have to cry & get used to the fact that HER bed is where she sleeps. The lights need to go out at bedtime & if crying is what helps her fall asleep, so be it. With a regular schedule, it might take a few nights for it to become easier for her, or it may take a few weeks. However long it takes, she'll get used to it.
Ignore the tears. (10-year old girls are masters at making watery eyes to get what they want.)
She'll be fine.
I don't think you can get her
I don't think you can get her out of her mindset. I think you need to impress upon your BF how he needs to enforce BOUNDARIES.
OMG GIRL! I am in the same
I am in the same boat right now, except we are already married and I have 2 SD that are waaaay to old to be sitting in daddy's lap! 12 and 14! They sit in his lap, they cuddle on the couch like a husband and wife, the 12 year old even squeezes between DH and I on the couch and massages his shoulders. It's gross. From my experience, it hasn't gotten any better... My husband thinks it's completely normal to play around and tickle his daughters (even the inner thigh) like they are 4 years old. It is SO WRONG! But they think I'm the weird one. My 14 year old daughter even walks around the house in her bra (her boobs are as big as mine! lol) and nobody sees a problem with it! Guess I was raised WAAAAAY different then that, my dad would have freaked out if he ever saw me in my undies! lol :?
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From a step-fathers point of
From a step-fathers point of view, I think you guys are over-reacting a little. This little girl is 10 and still very much a child. You're reading way too much into it as a grown woman, that a 10 year old can't even comprehend! If you think like this, all you'll achieve is driving a wedge between you and your bf. I was always jealous of the relationship that my sd 14 and her bm (my wife), but after a big row about school and get friends, we developed a great relationship. We cuddle more in one day now than we have done in the last ten years! This isn't weird, it's healthy and nice! You need to remember your sd is 10. If she were carrying on like this at 15 a 16, I'd agree, it would be inappropriate, but all this stems from her insecurities about her bm and bd spliting up. Okay, maybe not the lap, but my sd will sit on my knee and chat about stuff, is this weird? I don't think so an neither does her mother. And what you're saying about your relationship with your dad sounds a little strict. Whilst everybody remains covered up in out house, surely you and your dad could cuddle and express your love to each other with out it being inappropriate? Surely, by what you're saying, I should have been able to cuddle my mother after the age of 9? Relax. Be happy that your sd loves her dad and you should get in on the game and not play the stand-off disciplinarian. I played that for 10 years and now I regret every day of it.
Yep, yep, I agree, no naked
Yep, yep, I agree, no naked kids and adults! That's something that I'm adamant on! I remember hanging around with my biological parents, getting showers and baths in the nude, but only very young. With step parents though, there has to be slightly tougher boundaries, so the basic is all covered with a towel on the way to a bedroom/bathroom and bm is the only one who does go into the bathroom with either of us. We reenforced bed time rules very early on from about age 4, that bed time was for her to go to her bed, alone and for all night. There is a bit of wailing at first, but extinction is the only way ahead at that age. I actually find it harder to put sd 14 to bed now than her bm, 'cause I still want to chat! Btw. What's the bedtime for a 14yo? She's normally in bed for 22:30 / 23:00. Is this too late?
I don't mind the sitting on
I don't mind the sitting on the knee...its the sitting on the lap!! She doesn't need to be on his lap. Thats too close to things that she shouldn't be near. She is 10 and she doesn know some of the things that she is doing. I did talk with my FDH and I told him how I felt about what she was doing and what he was allowing her to do. I told him how it made me uncomfortable and how it was wrong. He didn't understand what he was doing. He didn't think of it the way that I told him how it was being percieved. He finally understood when I told him. He didn't realize that she was doing things that I had done. She had seen me sit on his lap when he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me and gives me a kiss. She has seen me snuggle with him on the couch. I told him that she should not do anything with him that I do. That she is not to be in the bed next to him when she can't sleep, that she will be fine and she will get over it. And so far she has. She doesn't want to be treated like a baby. She wants to be treated like a young lady. So I said, thats what we need to do. Teach her how to be a young lady.She needs to respect us and herself. So he promised me that he will stop doing these things. So things have been ok so far. I may have to remind him but I think he will do ok.
Like others have said we do so many things together. We have group hugs. We both go in and kiss her goodnight and try and make it a fun thing. We let her read for a little bit before she goes to sleep. Usaully its hard for her when she has to leave her mom or her grandma because they caudle her so much. So thats one reason why he needs to be a solid thing in her life. Thats what we want to be. We want to be her rock. Something solid. So thats why he needs to teach her how to act and what is right and wrong. So that way later on when she is looking for a boyfriend she knows how to act. Thats my biggest concern as to why I want him to not let her act this way.
I do want them to have a great loving father daughter relationship. Which they do, thats why I know she doesn't need to act this way. Because he does love her and show her that, so she doesn't need to act that way towards him. I think it is just a sub concious thing of her trying to show that she is daddy's girl and that she has been in his life longer than me. I don't want to cause problems that's why he has to stop this now.