Need advice: SS17 has boundary issues and uses computer inappropriately
My DH called me at work today to tell me that SS17 has been on the family computer again doing inappropriate web surfing. SS17 has a long history of this type of behavior and has been in therapy since he was very little due to boundary issues and pathelogical lying.
This is the 3rd computer I have had to purchase in the last 2 1/2 years. The first 2 became so eaten up with spyware/viruses due to his visiting inappropriate sites that removing them destroyed the hard drives. I purchased an expensive new computer in September which I use for business purposes. In December, my SS17 killed the family computer. Because his father is a student, I created a user account for my DH on the condition that SS17 would not be allowed to go on the computer. Somehow, SS17 managed to get on the computer under his father's profile and has been web surfing on inappropriate sites again. (DH and I know this because of some of the search terms in the browser history.)
I had thought about purchasing software that monitors/records keystrokes, emails, instant messages, inappropriate keywords, etc... and then sends you a report via email as well as installing a security camera in this room. I know this sounds kind of extreme but confronting him does no good. Can anyone in the forum have any better ideas? I have tried grounding, extra chores, taking away priviledges. I am getting very tired of shelling out my hard earned money because a skid cannot follow the house rules. Help!
get wi-fi and dont let him
get wi-fi and dont let him know the password. no internet, no surfing. Or get a lock and key for the room and keep it locked.
I have a very expensive
I have a very expensive computer that I use for home, multiple screens. Fast, the works. NO ONE is to use it without permission. I have passwords on it. SS likes youtube and that causes all sorts of problems for his dad on his computer. BS15 will use mine, but he knows that if he opens anything other than his biology homework he is dead meat. This is limited use and completely monitored.
Now, I have keystroke software on here, I haven't had to use it at all. The passwords are strong and that keeps everyone off of it. I have to open it for them to use. DH won't use it, I think he is afraid of me on this...
Forgive the obvious question
Forgive the obvious question here, but why not restrict the computer to two users, you and DH, and the password protect those accounts. A good password of about 12 letters is quite difficult to hack.
Password that he will not be
Password that he will not be given or able to guess. This really only works if you're certain your DH will not give it him! My DH would get lazy and end up giving one of the skids the password so that he didn't have to go type it in when they claimed they had to do homework (almost always a lie).
I did password protect the
I did password protect the computer. Unfortunately, DH left it unlocked and unsupervised for 30 minutes.![Blum 3](
spector soft is a program
spector soft is a program that I've used and I've password protected our computers as well. We've also password protected the tv on certain channels and my husband has been told that if he gives that out I'll change it and he won't have it because he gets lazy, gives it to skids, and then everyone is using everything and then what's the point!?? He'd rather do that than have me pissed off at him and yelling at him. }:) Sorry but i can get to be an angry bitch with all the crap I've put up with with his kids. Seriously. I'd password protect everything if i was you, and set the router for times when its "off" (ours does that) so that they can't use it during certain times of the day (ie midnight to 7 am)
Spector soft works great btw!
Awesome... I will look into
Awesome... I will look into it today! Thanks!
The best idea is to password
The best idea is to password your BIOS...
Hold delete when your computer boots up and it will send you into the bios menus, go to the security tab and enter a password, if you have the choiuce then dont just set it as a supervisor account as this will just stop them accessing the bios itself. If you select the correct option the computer wont even make it to windows without putting the password in!