My Step-daughter sucks! I just pulled the plug
I am so sick of that brat! She is 19 years old. Has lived with us since she was 3. has been a horrible terror for most of our marriage. I kicked her out at 17 after she physically abused me. She was on her own for 1 1/2 years and would come to visit occasionally but never overnight. She seemed better. She has since moved back in. We made up a rule contract as to what we expected in our home. She gladly signed it, got a job and basically followed the rules for about a month. She only worked part time and we said full time or school. She went to school. She is only in class 4 hours a day, it's a fast track program, in one year, she will be in the workplace and they will assist in placing her in a job. She has since, quit her job and has not worked for a month. We explained that she needs to at least work part time. She says she is looking which is a crock. Her real mother stated that she will not pay anything to help support this brat, which leaves it back on us. She has a cell phone on my plan, which I just placed on hold. She has 5 days to find a job or she is out of my house. I know her real mother will push this back on me and say that I kicked her out for no reason. the little brat tried to cause friction again today between me and her father. This has been going on for 16 years. Yet, I feel bad, because she has burned every bridge and has no where to go, I would hate to see her on the streets, but how much is one suppose to take? I needed therapy after she left the first time. I refuse to live like this.