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my hurt about my stepchildren

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Today I have cried and felt like a totally used person. I am embarrassed for myself. I have 2 stepchildren boy 16 who lives with us, girl 13 who lives with her BM. I have 2 boys of my own 17 and 13 who live with us fulltime.
My fiance and i have been together 2 years and have lived as a blended family for a little over a year. Shortly before we moved in together my sons and I lost everything in a house fire. Thankfully we were well insured. My kids had everything they owned gone... when i started replacing things I split the money 4 ways between all 4 only seemed fair ..I felt If I bought my 2 things the other 2 woyld feel bad and left out. I was overly generous with them as they had lived a poor life before we were together.

macklo's picture

sorry I stopped in mid rant... what I was getting at is now my ss16 is taking things, lying, treating his step brothers badly. Hardly speaking to me ..and has made the comment that I have blown HIS college fund !! umm what ?? I give him everything , he steals from my two boys. His dad burys his head in the sand and thinks he is perfect. He had nothing before I came into his life and I feel used ... i found an email he sent his sister saying things about me. I am never mean, disrespectful or anything but good and kind to him... I am so hurt. I dont even want to see him ..

macklo's picture

he trys to get him to do things with him but he refuses. his mother basically gave him away to his dad stating she couldnt handle him and kept his sister.. he outwardly seems ok, polite, extremely quiet, spends way to much time in his room...all issues I have had his dad talk to him about. he is disrespectful to his father..get the f out of my room etc.. I am not happy with my fiance always making excuses for him. my 17 yr old and 13 yr old like him..they feel sorry for the way his life has been... but enough is enough... he steals from them, treats my 13 yr old poorly, and now has the gall to expect a car for his 16th birthday ..I think not....

macklo's picture

the birth mother lives on welfare and has 2 degrees and fully capable of working, she kept the 13 yr old daughter as her meal long as i keep sending nice things to her ,she is half soon as the money train stops she doesnt give me the time of day... maipulative and a user traits she is learning from her mother grrrr my fiance is finally seeing what I have been telling him...he is so hurt and if its his fault... I am glad he sees they r not perfect...

macklo's picture

yes they like him..and feel bad when he takes things from them a 75.00 bottle of cologne that went missing from my BS17 room and I found in his backpack.. my 13 yr old just wants him to like him.. so he puts up with the name calling etc..

macklo's picture

I agree as a matter of fact I just aske dhim to go speak to him about these issues, he tried and got the same leave me alone, fuck off bull... he "took" my GNC small blender last night out of the house without asking, and never brought it home. First denied it then when caught in his lie said he doesnt know where it is now... I just want him to go to his mothers when school is finished and stay there until september, then maybe he will appreciate what he has ... my boys come back in 2 days, my youngest sons room has been locked since he left to spend time with their bD and low and behold I went and checked ..he has picked the lock and took Logans xbow stuff...I am at my wits end