Looking for understanding...
I've got a 16-year-old stepson. I've been in his life since he was 9. For a plethora of reasons, I have mixed feelings about this kid and his development. I'm really looking for others in the forum to chime in and tell me 1) his behavior is normal or 2) advice on how to better handle/manage him.
One thing I've always loved about him is how smart and sweet his true personality is. His core is loaded with values and a deep understanding of right and wrong. {A small part of me would like to think I've had a positive influence on that.} With that being said, one thing I've always hated about him his how manipulative he is because of his intelligence. Things like building a computer, doing mechanic work, or playing a board game come so easy to this kid. He often gets bored and tunes out before the rest of us catch up. Eighty percent of the time he lives with his mom, which my husband and I believe has completely impeded his potential and his development. He is so incredibly spoiled and she's always allowed him to talk back. For me, this is something I've struggled with forever. I continually find myself laying boundaries and explaining to him that he cannot speak to me with such disrespect.
Every summer, without fail, I've gotten a call from a camp counselor or a coach telling me my stepson has been written up for disrespectful behavior. This summer, since he's 16, we forced him to get a job. I am not going to lie. I have been waiting for the call from him or his employer saying he has been disrespectful or crappy. After 2.5 months of employment, today, I got that call. Granted it was from his side explaining that a bunch of people had gotten laid off and that he was one of them. He was on the brink of tears and so the empathic part of my heart feels sympathy for him. When I spoke to my husband about it, he explained that my stepson got into an argument with the owner off-site and that the owner had been talking poorly to him and so he left. While driving back to the office, my stepson apparently got the call that he had been laid off, but the lady that told him said it wasn't anything he had done and she was unaware of the confrontation he had had with the owner. My husband continually says, "well it's his age." While most 16-year-olds are primarily selfish humans, I feel like his spoiled behavior and continually letting him get away with bloody murder has something to do with it. I think he's lazy, selfish, and disrespectful. I do think his age has something to do with that, but I also think that his damn parents need to be more engaged in the work. My husband doesn't like to have him do chores because he says his son does it half ass and has to be reminded 50,000. I find it annoying as I'm the one that continually has to clean and pick up after him. I've tried continually for the past 7 years to get him more involved in "how we function as a family" and I always get stepped on or the rug pulled out from underneath me.
So, how do you all suggest I manage the situation and keep my sanity? I do believe age has something to do with it. However, I also think structure and environment lend more to a young man's development. He leaves back to his mom's in two weeks and I feel guilty for knowing he's going back to an environment that doesn't foster a positive role model.
Andddd, maybe a few sessions
Andddd, maybe a few sessions with a therapist to help him with conflict ie anger. Not that he is a bad or angry kid...
He would benefit . NOT a fee fee counselor but a Psychologist.
Yes, he needs something. His
Yes, he needs something. His mom has caused a lot of trauma to his life -- so much so he feels like he needs to live with her to protect her. That's another story. But yes, I agree, anything we can do to help him is what we have to do.
You mentioned he is going
You mentioned he is going back to his moms? When does he see dad?
So it's a bit of a long story
So it's a bit of a long story and we fought for him for years, spent >$20,000 in lawyer fees and she brainwashed him into thinking she is suicidal without her son. It was a manipulative controlling move on her part. As I mentioned, I tried early on to discipline him and get him to not talk back to me and she used it against us in court. So we've only got him about 20% of the time. The main reason we didn't win the court order was because the judge was a single mom to a boy and admitted during our hearing that she sympathized with his mom. It's been a rough journey and not to sound silly, but I have to remind myself I chose this life and there is a lot of good things that have come from this. Now that he's older, his mom has no leg to stand on when she says she's suicidal because we all know she is full of it.
I agree with this and totally
I agree with this and totally feel the frustration. For me my DD16 is the one that is a total slob. Which really is down to the age. And that is not an excuse. I have tried and tried with her. She isn't a bad kid. But I guess her mess is more all in her room and not scattered around the house which I wouldn't handle well. But my DH is another story. He is just lazy. Workwise he is not. He takes pride in his work but anything doing at home inside or outside is like pulling teeth to get him to do. So that for me is a whole different issue but with my SS10 I have recently decided to try to disengage. It's still very early days and I am struggling but I'm starting to feel better about not feeling I need to have control over everything. I've found if SS doesn't do something I feel he should do I simply ask my husband if he could do it which then clicks to my husband that his son didn't do it etc.
I'm not sure how often you have your SS - but I also understand the frustration with having mine 50/50 and having to reteach him EVERYTHING every time we have him. Whether she has him 2 days or 5 days in a row. *Sigh* But you seem like you have done a really great job with your SS
Hang in there! Teens are NOT easy.
Thank you. Your kind words
Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot. Appreciate the kind words.
I agree...
...you can let your husband know that you are no longer willing to allow such lazy behavior as it is not doing him any favors or preparing him for the real world. Stop everything you're doing for him. Yes, it means your house is in messy chaos, but when we feel frustrated picking up after skids, it's messy chaos anyway, right? At least internally.
Yeah I feel like I can't win
Yeah I feel like I can't win sometimes. I grew up in a very tidy, clean, structured environment. We all pitched in around the house. I will just have to find a better way to communicate that with him and my husband. I have kinda become an enabler because I'm so sick of a dirty house and the emotional chaos of fighting about it.
Could you tell your DH that
Could you tell your DH that you are done cleaning up after SS and that if your DH doesn't want to make him clean, then he has to pick up after his son himself?
That's what I did with my SO although it was easy for me as we don't live together. I just got so fed up with SD17 not flusing the toilet and never putting a new toilet paper roll, that now if I enter their bathroom and the roll is finished, I ask my SO to change it! If he won't make SD17 do it, then he has to do it himself because I sure won't do it for her!
I think what your describing
I think what your describing isn't normal or ok behavior but it seems quite common in that generation. I really wonder what they'll do in a few years when their on their own. Teens are hard and can be lazy but I feel like kids now are often entitled, self centered, and spoiled.