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i wish someone would tell my stupid SD13...

Calypso1977's picture put her freakin' tongue back in her mouth! how many damn selfies can you take and post with your tongue sticking out? it doesnt make you look cool, doesnt make you look badass, doesnt make you look like a rock star, you just look stupid and moronic!

of course when your mother does it too, and encourages you to do it, no wonder why you think it makes you look cool/badass/worthy of groupies.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

OMG! SD15 does the same thing! Thank you Miley Cyrus! UGH! All pictures have one of 3 poses... tongue out, duck face, or that stupid "peace sign over the eye" thing that apparently means "fierce" if you research it on the web.

blayze's picture

Right! Tongue out, rock and roll sign or duck face...those are everywhere. So tired of seeing little b!tches putting on the pouty face or some other standard pose. It's NOT cute.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture of the places I happened upon, someone said that the sign over the eye actually meant 'basic b***h'. I just had to look it up: "a pejorative term used to describe an individual who displays cliche, conformist or otherwise predictable character traits". The more links I clicked, and the more stuff I read, I couldn't help but ROFLMAO! "Thinks she's the s**t, but isn't"..."one who has no personality; dull and irrelevant"..."They may also believe they hold a higher standard then regular people"..."Somebody who is boring and unoriginal". I only saw the sign over the eye referred to that in only one place...most said it meant "fierce". I'm thinking the person who wrote that it meant "basic b***h" was saying that is what they thought of the girls who did it in their selfies all the time. Regardless, I read all those definitions of "basic b***h" and thought, "OMG! That's HER!" LOL

Sweetnothings's picture

Arghhh, I remember ass1 and her " cute " little selfie pics. She would angle the camera for maximum boob exposure, do this strange wide eyed kind of doe look (which didn't work she just looked like she was choking?) Tilt the head a bit and purse the lips for a little bit of the ducky effect.....yuk !! :sick:

Wish I could say they grow out of it, but my skid is almost mid twenties AND still does it !!!! :jawdrop:

Now she looks like some psychotic obese puffer fish, skid is about 60 pounds heavier than she should be, and whatever angle she points that camera in now, the boobs were lost in the flab and the double chins A LONG TIME ago !! :sick:

DarkStar's picture

Ugh, I don't even try to take pics with SD16 in them anymore.

The whole stupid wide-eyed look?? I finally asked and she raises her eyebrows up to make her eyes look bigger and "sexy". Barf. I told her to knock it off cuz it made her look like someone stuck something up her butt unexpectedly.

Sweetnothings's picture

Darkstar, did your SD do the kind of scrunched up little cute pixie type look too ??? Shoulders raised, with the sexy doe eyes ???

Ass1 still does this look too, not so much sexy little thing but a gurning Jabba The Hutt look now !!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Posted this picture on my Facebook a while go with all the duckfaces:

I seriously do not see why girls/women think this is sexy or cute! SD15 seriously cannot take a normal picture! Sad thing is, DH is always trying to take pictures of his precious princess, saying he doesn't have enough. Duckfaces, tongue, peace signs on the face or otherwise...just take a normal picture! At least the demise of the iPod has put an end to the boob selfies! The world is safe from those, at least for now. But every picture she matter who she is with...her cousin posted some picks of them in the last few days. My niece has a normal face, but there is SD15 with her variations of stupidness!

Calypso1977's picture

SD13's school pic came out so bad last year. i wonder if she was trying to do a doe eye/sexy face and it all went wrong. never thought of this until just now.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

My SDstb19 still does duck face. Quack. No one is looking. Oh and she has 1000 fb friends but hasn't hung out with anyone this summer, has only seen her bf 3x bec its not worth the drive. 46 days until school starts. Biggrin

Rags's picture

Selfies.... the proof that the subject of the photo is a self obsessed useless POS regardless of age.

I always comment on my nieces selfies making the point that she looks like a drooling moron. It has helped significantly reduce the duck lips/tongue selfies. She is now posting much more attractive selfie pics or pics with friends taken by someone else.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

"Selfies.... the proof that the subject of the photo is a self obsessed useless POS regardless of age."

Ooooo...I like that! It speaks such truth with regards to SD15! Before the she broke every device that had a camera and internet access, SD15 would post multiple selfies a day! And it wasn't for any other reason but to fish for compliments!

Rags's picture

Oh yes. The compliment and sympathy drama trolls. Two of my most hotly detested social media moron types. Those that troll social media to either get a compliment or some statement of sympathy.

My SIL and my DW's cousin are both sympathy trolls and another DW cousin is a compliment troll. The first two make me want to puke. "Right when things are going well something happens and life sucks again"No detail just a call for their friends list to flock to them with "What's wrong?" or "You are so special it will get better" bullshit. The other cousin is very attractive, is highly motivated, works her butt off and best of all no duck lips or tongue selfies. Lots of selfies but they are tasteful which I do give her son slack on.

I think the selfie and drama troll movement is an offshoot of the every kid gets a trophy trend and will continue to get worse until parents start holding their spawn accountable for proper behavior and start spanking some kid butt rather than making excuses for their special spawn.


CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Omg! That is SD15 exactly! And people don't help matters by falling for it! "You're so pretty" "Don't be so sad sweetie." UGH! Don't people know that you don't have to comment on every post that someone makes? Then, there were all the selfies of crying for the month after the breakup, captioned with some sad song lyrics! You can't tell me that isn't fishing for sympathy! And half the time, I swear she was sprinkling water on her face to make it look like she was crying! Oh, then there were the depressing, suicidal lyric posts that immediately got everyone jumping in and telling her not to take her own life, only for SD15 to respond hours later, "Oh, I would never kill myself...just some cool lyrics." Really?

Rags's picture

On a few occasions I have called people on the hints at suicide. "Quit wasting time. Either shit or get off the pot!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, SD15 has been doing this crap with lyrics for a while! BM found a piece of paper in her room once with lyrics and went all freak out! OMG...I still remember the craziness of that night!