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Look at me!! Look at me!! Look at me!!

Willow2010's picture

I am so tired of having to make SS the focus of everything. Actually, of SS making himself the focus of everything. I may throw up, if I hear “look at this” one more time from the boy. PS…I don’t hate SS. He is troubled and a bit odd, but better than I though he would be at 17.

A typical day for me…I get off work and walk in my house…SS comes a running…Hey Willow…look at my shoes, they cost $100.00. Look what I did with my hair, it is new gel. ECT for about 15 minutes and I run off to do other stuff. He will catch me about 2-3 other times that day, to look at something. Look at my pants aren’t they cool, they cost $75.00, look at my new game, it was $50.00 look at my hands, I washed them. Ain’t it cool, ain’t it cool, aint it cool??? Arrrgggg! It is very annoying. And he does this to every one of the other 3 people that live in the house. It is all day all night SS tv! I kid you not, if you make eye contact with the kid, he is going to make you look at something of his, or something on him.

SS was raised by two parents that have doted on him to the point of being gross. So he gets plenty of attention. Not sure if he just craves attention that bad or what.

Without hurting his feelings, how can I make this stop? He has always been that way, but since he lives with us, it is 24/7! I actually have run from a room, if I thought SS was coming. I know that sounds bad, but I can’t help it. I don’t have time for an hour or more everyday to congratulate SS on something he has.


Willow2010's picture

Thats just it. I do, or I try too. I bet somedays I say..."thats nice" at least 30 times. He almost can not have a normal conversation about regular things.

It is SOOO annoying. But beside that it does not help him out in real life. He finally got a GF, but he has no other friends at all.

I just hate to see him become a man and be like that. People are ok if a kid is like that, but not sure how people will take a grown up doing/acting like that. KWIM?

I am sure it is a habit by now, but wish I could break it without hurting his feelings or making him feel bad.

Jsmom's picture

After about the third time, I would probably have made a terrible remark. That said this should have stopped by now. SK's do it on their first day back for attention. They stop after that. What does your DH do or say about this??

Willow2010's picture

He does the same thing as I do. "thats nice"

He sees it as annoying, but not a problem. BUT he does not see as much as everyone else in the house, because he is usually outside in the afternoons.

starfish's picture

OMG! that would drive me banannas.... i like the hmmm... response... my skids are still young and don't do it as much with just me & dh, but if mil is around she makes skids do stuff and tells the whole room to drop everything and "look at sd look at sd look at sd" she can tie her shoes, she knows her abc's she's 12 and can do all these things..... i feel for ya!!