I Can't Wait!!
I have been a full time, 24/7 stepmonster to my DH's 3 crotch-droppings for 9 LONG years. Their waste product of a BM lives half way across the country and only comes to visit once a year for 3 or 4 days. (It's a small blessing in this mess.) I have bent over backwards trying to raise my DH's children to the best of my ability. The problem is, there has always been a double standard in our house. My 4 BK's have rules, chores and expectations. Skid's are too busy, need to be treated differently (because Bio Bitch left them when they were 1, 3 and 4), and have different personalities, so therefore can't be expected to be picked on bout how they interact (however rudely) with others. For 9 years, I have tried to keep some sort of order - with 7 kids living in the house full time, it gets messy and chaotic - FAST. And for 9 years, DH has never backed me. So my BK's and I are left to deal with the chaos.
When the Skids were younger, we got along fairly well. The girls seemed to like having a woman around to do their hair, take them shopping and do girlie things with them. But as the years have gone on, our relationship becomes more strained with every passing minute -probably because they realize they can do whatever they want and dear ol' dad will not back me up when they are in the wrong. With my SS (now 15) things have always been pretty good and seem to be staying the course. He doesn't run to daddy if I call him out on something he's done wrong. He apologizes and we move on.
Anyway, SD18 has finally gone off to college. Of course, daddy has felt the need to go get her and bring her home twice a month. But that is way easier on me than EVERY DAMN DAY OF MY LIFE. And now SD17 (whom I have the worst relationship with - read my blog and you'll understand a small part of it) is getting ready to fill out college applications. I pray to God, with every ounce of my energy, that she chooses a school that is FAR, FAR away. I'll even help her tote all of her stuff to school. I am a horrible person, the epitomy of the word stepmonster, and I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!! I can't wait for it to be over. To not be ignored, when she's busy stomping around the house, to not have my youngest BD called fat by that bitch anymore - it will be like an all inclusive vacation to Disneyworld. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and my train is moving at lightning fast speeds now. I CAN'T WAIT!!! And I hope that someday, all of the rest of the mentally abused, ready to snap, stepmonsters out there can feel the joy I feel. It just get's better and better everyday, even when it sometimes feels like it's getting worse. As soon as I have an actual date for SD17 to leave, I'm putting a count down app on my phone!!