How do I let go?
I am a "fixer" by nature. If there is a problem I NEED to fix it or I drive myself insane. Here's the situation:
SD (14)was living with my DH and I because BM couldn't afford to take care of her. She lived with us for 18 months. In the beginning she was a handful- attitude, bad grades, crying for mom constantly (didn't help that BM was telling her that we took her from her). Then things got better- attitude improved, grades were good, and she seemed to be seeing BM for what she was. Then it all changed in one instant! It was like overnight she became a holy terror again. Lying, promisuity, drugs (pot), and constant manipulation. The straw that broke the camels back was when she stole prescription meds from my DH and I to give to her punk boyfriend who had OD'd that very day on Vicodan. She didn't even know what she had taken from us- it was a baggie full of a rainbow of pills- including blood thinners and thyroid meds. That night was an explosion culminating in her going to her mothers and never coming back to our house except for weekends when she wanted something. That was 4 months ago. BM told us that everything she was doing was our fault and things would be so much better at her house. At BM's there are no rules, discipline, or boundaries. She was NEVER punished for what she did at our home. Everyone has just swept it under the rug except DH and I. Her counselor has since refused to see her anymore because of the lies that she told her during evry session. She is cutting again and mom refuses to admit it- we were told by the principal at school and BM said she was lying to get SD in trouble. She is failing every subject, is in ISS or OSS on a daily basis, is filthy, and needs major help. We asked BM to meet with us to talk about what needs to be done and her reply was "I'm handling it". I asked SD's grandmother (DH's mother) not to supply her with the extra "things" we had provided in our home (ie cell phone, laptop, contact lenses, etc) to let her mother provide those things so that SD might have an idea of what we did for her- I was totally ignored and she takes her shopping on a weekly basis. I'm over it!
Here's my question for all of you: How do I quit caring what happens to this kid? I mean if I quit caring then everyone thinks I'm the bitch SM that doesn't give a shit about this kid. But if I continue to care without the ability to change anything then I'm driving myself insane. And I literally have NO WAY to change anything. And please don't give me the "show her how much you love her and she'll turn around" bullcrap. I have showed that kid for years how much I love her- cooking her favorite meals, being at every softball event (that her mother didn't attend), going to the hospital everyday while she was locked in the psych ward for trying to commit suicide at her mom's (mom showed up twice to cry about how bad this looked on her as a mother), and countless other ways.
I'm tired of pretending that her behavior is ok. I guess I care because I love my husband and this is his child. I wouldn't want him to hate my kids or give up on them. But I believe he has thrown his hands up with this one. He does better with the "dont give a sh*t" attitude than I do. When I finally got to that point last week my MIL berated me for not loving SD as much as my own children and giving up on her but not them. It's all just ridiculous!!!
Thanks! I need to print out
Thanks! I need to print out these responses to re-read when I get weak.
You are so right! Thank you!
You are so right! Thank you! And yes he did put her in her place and told her to back off. She didn't speak to us for 3 days- it was lovely! LOL
I don't think he would be
I don't think he would be upset- I just wish I could get to that point with him. And you are totally right- I can't help someone who doesn't want it.
I literally laughed out loud
I literally laughed out loud when I read "tell your MIL to STFU". OMG if you only knew her. Wouldn't say shit if she had a mouthful and would probably beat me with her bible. God how I have imagined doing that in my head. And I truly believe she will never clean up her act. She will end up just like her bottom feeder mother.
Thanks for the perspective
Thanks for the perspective with the addict conotation. My sister is an addict and I have adopted that phylosophy with her. I will use this to deal with SD.
Update: Just got a call from
Update: Just got a call from DH that SD has been suspended from school once again. BM called him to go pick her up and discipline her- take away cell phone, laptop, etc. I told him go ahead and get her, talk to the school and get the real story on what happened, and don't take away a blooming thing. It's not up to you to play "bad guy" because Mommy Dearest doesn't want to. Let her perfect mommy discipline her since she's "handling it". Because if he does take it away it will get turned around that BM never told him to do it and he's so mean to her. OK I'm done. She's on her own. Thanks for all of your advise and support- really appreciate it. Going to go focus on my kids- since I'm already accused of loving them more I might as well prove them right.
Exactly! My 24yr was in the
Exactly! My 24yr was in the hospital in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) and was in ICU for 4 days- came very close to being intubated. Now she was there because she is a horrible diabetic and doesn't take care of herself the way she should. My MIL had the nerve to compare this to my horrible SD's behavior. That if I didn't give up on my daughter and her stupidity I should just accept SD's the same way. Two totally different things!Guess I was supposed to tell my daughter "oh well you didn't take care of your diabetes right so I'm done taking care of you". But yes this is how I am treated by my MIL- and she lives across the street from me. It's kinda like the show "Everybody Loves Raymond" only more disfunctional.
You are completely correct!
You are completely correct!
she's 14 so the light isn't
she's 14 so the light isn't quite bright enough at the end of the tunnel but I can at least see it. And MIL is welcome to her because she is NEVER living in my house again- and DH is in total agreement with that. I cleaned out her room the night she said shw was moving to mom's. Put all her crap in the garage (where it sat for 2 months until my in-laws moved it for BM)and re-decorated her room for my grandson. I just told DH that my feelings on her are "you can't fix stupid". So I'm going to try to be done as of this moment.