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Help, Almost 15 year old stepson, lazy, no rules, spoiled rotton, i am fed up !

frustrated1's picture

I have been with husband 2 years, He is a travelling construction worker, not been in his son's life alot. When he is home , he has very little rules, if any. Anything son wants he gets! BM is a drug addict and should never been allowed to have child in her care (CAS has been involved, but will not help anymore, as there is more serious cases) She is a master manipulator and will stop at nothing to get her way !

I had SS in my care for 8 months, while BF was out of province working. Up until i had him, he had missed 39 days of school (April 2011) and 52 lates !!! After in my care he did not miss any school, unless he had a night with his BM then he would not make it to school again. His father stepped in and we have him doing better. This child is spoiled rotten, does not have to do homework if he says he does not have any, he comes in from school, straight to his room and is on XBox, or laptop, playing games. That he does on weekend, but is on those games from time he wakes up til time he decides to go to sleep! I have taken them away when chores are not done! His father gives them back. One time child came back from weekend at BM, his father was here, i at work, the child did not ask his father where his games were, he started snooping going into my closet in our bedroom, helped himself to the confiscated game box and games. I was to say the least livid ! His father spoke to him, and there were no consequences yet again. Needless to say i have tossed my hands up and said your on you own now, i rarely deal with teen now.

This boy could and would not do anything for himself (his BM did and does everything ) I had to teach him so many things when it was just he and I here. Make sandwich, dishes, laundry, make a bed, empty a full garbage ect. If he has to get something to eat it is cereal, unless it is made for him by someone else. I have had to show him how to turn on oven and microwave, but he will not do for himself. I tell him he can do it, but selfesteem is non existant. Had him coming out of his shell, then his BF came home and it all went down the tubes. He was recently given a snowmobile, has not called the person to thank them, and all i heard from him was, "it's in kinda rough looking shape, even though it runs good, what can we do to the paint job so it looks nicer ?" I walked out and did not hear the father say anything.

Now the BM is trying to obtain disability (cause she drug addict) and has stated child will stay here and no more support will be needed from her (though she collected the whole time 8 months i had him ) The BF is back out of town working and i have been left with apparently no option and child is here, i am at my wits end and ready to just move out (i am 3/4 packed) but cannot abandon a child or a relationship!

I hope this was understandable, as i needed to rant, vent and really really would love some feedback. I also have asked that we attend councilling, original answer was yes, but has not followed through to appointments, i myself see it as a must and a life saver !

Thanks for listening !

Auteur's picture

Your problem is not SS per se but the BIG problem is DH for UNDERMINING your rules!!! I love how these guilty daddies expect SM to fulfill all the DUTIES of a parent yet they are not allowed the AUTHORITY of a parent.

100% responsibility and 0% authority while the skid gets 100% authority and 0% responsibility.

He'll need to hire a nanny or take care of himself because if he cannot support you in your house rules, then you will not be playing maid, cook, laundress either!

stepdad_visitoronstrangeworld's picture

Full responsibility and NO authority, that sums it all up. I'm a stepdad in the same situation with a 17 yr old SS. Mom does everything for him. Makes every excuse for his behavior or belittles anything issues I present (socks all over the house, garbage and food in his room, leaving the doors unlocked or wide open to the house). Probably still changing his diapers. Wakey, wakey sweetheart instead of "your alarm has been ringing for 15 minutes, why didn't you get up and get ready for school?!" It's ridiculously frustrating being told (for 4 yrs) that he's not to blame, I am because I don't give him a chance to explain his actions or I'm always picking on him. Failing grades in high school along with the "I don't care" attitude. Long sessions on the computer throughout the evening hours either on Youtube, iTunes, or social media sites (more recently porn sites). Biodad (Disneyland dad) never disciplines, talks to, or even acknowledges any of the issues and has his "buddy" for half of the week, so punishments or disciplinary actions are out the window and back to square one when junior comes back. My wife and I get along fine when SS is out of the picture or not arguing about him. What I am learning is that I need to disengage and hope he leaves after graduating high school. Problem is with the failing grades and fear of lingering live in until he's 30...