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This is getting old REALLY fast!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SD14 is texting me that I need to come get her after I get off of work, because she needs to stay after for some project. I don't get off of work until 6:30-7:00 p.m. today because I'm the only one working. DH told her to ask me because he doesn't know when he is getting off work, instead of telling her no...that last minute after school plans aren't allowed any more.

I texted him in a not very happy tone...letting him know that I didn't appreciate having to rush to go get her after I get off of work, because she is starting this last minute every day, "I 'need' to stay after for this and that" crap. I told him I thought this was no longer going to be allowed. His response was that she asked him this morning, and he told her to ask me! REALLY!!!! I am so pissed right now I'm shaking! He KNOWS how I feel about this crap, but he dodges it by not even answering his phone to talk about it...I have to do it through he can avoid having to deal with how pissed off I am! I have half a mind to just leave her there, and tell him the person who was responsible for relieving me couldn't take over until late, and I'm stuck working until 8 or 9 or some crap like that! Grow some balls and tell her no if you can't do it!!! Don't tell her to ask me!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I was so mad, I forgot to say...she quit guard, and that was supposed to mean no more practices. But NOW, she is supposedly trying to learn percussion, and she is claiming that she has practice of some kind every freaking day of the week, oh, and she supposedly has a project to work on. I call BS!!! She is surely up to something...and I'm pretty sure it involves the boyfriend! SD14's tardies have gone up tremendously since she has started having a know...what usually happens when there is too much kissy face going on in the halls somewhere. AND, when we went to go pick up the boyfriend on Saturday, DH asked her if she knew where we were going. She said she knew where her boyfriend's house was...and then quickly back-tracked and said that he sent her the address and she kinda had an idea where it was. DH asked her if she had ever been there (as we have never taken her over there), and (with her eyebrows going crazy and a strange tone in her voice) she quickly said she had never been over to his house. Yeah, right. Hmmm...seems to me there is some untruth going on here! But DH is just ignoring all the signs! Hope he is ready to be grandpa when she gets pregnant from her after-school rendezvous with her boyfriend, because you can't tell me she is that interested in playing percussion that she is spending 3 hours a day up at the school for this purpose only!

mannin's picture

Do not go get her! You need to stand up to your DH. If he won't follow through with his daughter - you NEED to follow through with him.

Your DH will not stop putting you in this position if you keep giving in.

Tell him no.

Calypso1977's picture

i wouldnt pick her up either. let her rot there or find some other ride home wtih a friend, etc.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Was talking to DH there...grow some balls and start telling her no if he can't do it. Don't just say, "Ask your stepmom" and then avoid me when you know I'm going to be pissed that this is the route you took! The way I see it...he should be asking me BEFORE even telling SD14 yes! Ask me, and if I can't do it, and you know you can't do it, then say no! That simple!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...I'm not rushing! I told him I won't get off until at least 6:30 p.m....told her the same thing. Guess she can sit up there and hope he arrives before that.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

You know...every time he pulls this crap, I stop and think...I've raised two kids! In that time, they did sports and band. Only a very small handful of times did I get a call or text that they unexpectedly had to stay after school, and other times, they had a regular schdule of either needing to be their early or late (mostly for BS19 and 7th grade, he had early practice...8th and up, he had after school during football and track seasons...BD22 was in band for 6 years, and only ever had one day a week to stay after school from 7th grade on, outside of Fridays for football when she was in high school). In EVERY case, I NEVER asked DH to do the job!! If he called me and offered, because he had gotten off of work earlier than anticipated, and was already in the area of the school, sure...I'd let him so that the kids wouldn't get stuck sitting outside. Other than that, the kids had to wait for me to get off of work and drive in rush hour traffic to come get them, or they would figure it out themselves (when BS19 started varsity, there was always a friend who could give him a ride when they were done, as at least half the team drove). And DH adopted both kids, so technically he was equally responsible! But I still saw it as I allowed them to be in those things, so it was my responsibility to pick them up or take them early.

DH thinks that just because I work out of the house, I'm the default limo service for his dear princess. The school is still 20 miles round trip from the house!!! And she is NEVER outside waiting for get there, and you have to wait around like 30 minutes for her to finally emerge from somewhere!

Jmom's picture

Yeah she's hanging with the boyfriend. My BS is turning 14 this year and stays after for band (every monday till 5:00 and BETA club every other Tuesday till 5:00). He and I have a system. He puts that crap on a calendar and we hang it on the fridge. I have always handled this stuff with my BS . . .I was a single parent for 11 years before DH).

Your DH needs to show his face at that damn school more and ask some questions. No way I'd let a 14 year old run me around with this crap. If my BS14 doesn't give me a heads up then he doesn't participate. I have a full time job and he knows it.

ctnmom's picture

This exactly. My kids (well, 2 are adults now) knew and know they'd be stranded if they pulled this last minute shit on me.

Jmom's picture

You know I'm sitting here at work just burning up over this one!!!! DH can't see what's going on??? WTH is wrong with him! He's going to be a grandpa! I bet SD14 is having the time of her life!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I know she is! This boy tries to put on a good front when we are around...acting all proper and respectful! You look at his Facebook page, and he has the mouth of a sailor (or at least types like he does). And SD14 has no shame...when he was over Saturday, she was all over him...leg cross his lap and being all snuggly, and DH just sat there and ignored it. Then, they went into the kitchen where we couldn't see them because of the wall, and were all whispering and everything. Oh HELL NO! If it were my daughter? Anything past holding hands on the couch while watching TV is unacceptable! BS19's girlfriend doesn't even do that crap around us or her mom, and they are both legal adults (she's 18)! I can promise you something is up after school! SD14's boyfriend is a junior, she is a freshmen...he doesn't drive himself, but I know he has friends who do. I also know for a fact his parents work in the city, and don't get home until some time after 6 p.m. every 3:45 - 6:00...yeah, plenty of time for crap to happen!

mama4u3's picture

Step child or bio child, I'd say heck no! I do it to my bios all the time. The other option is to find a way to show up earlier than planned, and really see what she's up to. Heck, when you get off work tell her that you're stuck for another 30-45 minutes, then head over early. I'm a firm believer in letting children know that they can't get away with hiding stuff and lying. My children, and all of their friends, know darn well, I love showing up randomly and checking in on them. I normally don't catch anything out of the ordinary, but I've got the monkeys trained to always be where they should when they should, incase their bored work at home mom suddenly decides she needs a break.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I would have to be there really early, and absolutely can't because of work. Like I said...I know when his parents get home, and the boyfriend would have to have SD14 out of his house before they got there. But it is a good idea...may have to do it some day. Take a day of...tell DH I'm going shopping or something, and find a place to sit where she can't see me...with the camera! Record if she leaves and when she comes back, or even better yet...follow her and catch her butt in the act! Wouldn't it be priceless to follow her to the boyfriend's house, and then walk up to the door and demand she come out? Would love to see her try to talk her way out of that crap! DH would be pissed at me, but at the same time, he might actually put an end to the after-schools, and an end to having a boyfriend!

Orange County Ca's picture

My immediate thought was the same. YOU grow some.

Text him saying you can't do it and turn phone off.

ctnmom's picture

And she's too young to have a "boyfriend", my DD14 has a "boyfriend" too but they are never, ever alone together. His mom and I double team them to make sure.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I agree completely...and DH's initial stance was that 14 was too young for a boyfriend, especially a 16 year old. No way would any daughter of mine under the age of consent would be allowed to date someone who is of the age of consent or above. Sorry...nope! Yeah...SD14 turns 15 in a few weeks, but he also turns 17 right after that...nope, nope, nope, and nope! I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night! Time for DH to get his head out of sand, and take the dear princess in for an exam, and to get on birth control...and if he is too uncomfortable with it, then tell BM to get off of her butt and take her daughter! And check up on her stories, for pete's sake! Quit being so darn trusting!! She has a history! If she has already been caught drinking and smoking pot BEFORE even reaching age 14, what the heck else do you think she is into? Oh, no...she is to innocent for that! HA!!

I can see it next year...hello...this is my husband, who is a grandpa at 39, and his ex-wife who is a grandma at 36! Me? No, I'm not a grandma yet at the age of 42, because I raised my kids with some values! I have grand-dogs...does that count?

Calypso1977's picture

my SD has had a BF for 1.5 years. started when she was 11. BM conveniently hid it from us and SD lied about it with the encouragement of BM.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

One of the only times I'm saying hooray for something blowing up at work!! I have two systems that I have to stay at my computer and be on to fix them...I can't go anywhere until these things run on their own, because it is a matter of client service delivery! HA! Called DH to tell him, and he didn't sound happy about it...said he was just leaving work...40 miles away. Oh well...I told him weeks ago...every Wed. and Thurs. until we get more people hired and trained, I'm the one who is responsible for urgent system issues (we call it oncall, though it isn't quite being is a shift, and if anything blows up at the end of our shift, we have to see it through until the end...we can't just call it quits when the shift ends and dump it on someone else). DH knows isn't like this is new news! It has been this way for months since we had a guy quit! On my ugrent call days, I typically can't leave my computer until anywhere from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., so why is he telling SD14 to tell me to pick her up? And is basically tell me. She didn't ask if it was possible, she didn't ask DH if she could stay after school. He was TOLD she was staying after school, and I was TOLD I needed to pick her up! Sorry, um, no!

I can guarantee there will be a conversation about all of this tonight! There have been plenty of times had to work late when my kids had activities. I would tell them to see if they could find a ride home...most of the time they could...and if they couldn't, they either got stuck waiting for me, or I (not them), I would call someone and ask them to do ME the favor of picking them up because I got stuck at the office! And this was only for already pre-scheduled and approved stays...otherwise, the kids were told they had to bring their happy butts home on the bus!

DH just called and said that SD14 was going over to her boyfriend's house so she didn't have to sit up at the convenient! I was like..."Um, really?!?" and he said that the boyfriend's mom told her that would be okay. Am I the only one detecting something fishy in this? How much y'all want to bet that SD14 has been over there for the last 2 hours already? I mean, why would she drive SD14 over to her house instead of just bringing her home?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...if there was any doubt in my ability to say no to the princess, she just made sure that I will never do anything for her again!

DH and SD14 got home about 15 minutes ago. I worked an 11 hour day...just finished work at 7:15 (about 40 minutes ago). My first order of business was to get a shower in, because I hadn't been able to get one in today. I get out of the shower, and as I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to have for dinner, I tell DH and SD14 that there is spaghetti from last night for them to eat. DH asks SD14 to please heat him up some, and I can hear her tell him, trying to not let me hear, "ask your wife!" DH then asks me to get it for him. I make it very clear at this point that I'm pissed! He asked what is wrong, and I say (keep in mind SD14 is sitting on her butt on the couch), "Ses someone forgets I have EXTREMELY good hearing...ask your wife...okay! Guess I didn't just get through working 11 hours! Guess I'm not trying to figure out what I'm going to have for dinner, seeing as I'm allergic to wheat and can't eat the leftovers from the dinner I took the time to cook last night for everyone else!" DH didn't seem to understand why I was so upset, and didn't say jack to SD14 about her comment! Ask your wife? I guess next time you need anything...and I do mean's going to be, "ask your dad!" Oh, wait...he doesn't have any money left after his share of the shared bills and his personal bills! Guess you're just gonna have to start doing without!

I'm so pissed right now! After the whole thing earlier, and now this? I'm so pissed I gave up on trying to find something to eat, because now my stomach feels all twisted up!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Let's see what dear dad says next time she needs lady products! I can promise you he won't go buy it for her! Lol