Drug User, Shoplifter
My step daughter smokes pot. Her facebook says she has been trying to buy LSD. She says on facebook that she has been shoplifting for years. She is only 15 years old. Added to these, she is a lesbian who seems to be bewitched by a 16 year old drug seller. She used to cut herself and go on binges followed by purges. She was very erratic in going to school. She was rude to most people. This past month my husband and I were visiting his family in Europe. My step daughter and her older sister joined us after 2 weeks. She was quite well behaved there - didn't go on binges and didn't cut herself or use drugs while there. My husband thinks she has stopped purging and stopped self harming and has been really pleasant to his family for two weeks and so her past behaviour needs to be forgotten and put behind and she needs to be given credit for changing. But I know my step daughter better than that. She always manages to convince her father she is either this "poor little misunderstood girl" or that she is "trying so hard to change". He falls for it hook, line and sinker as always this time as well. I didn't buy the act and went looking for evidence as to what she is really upto and I found from facebook that she has been buying drugs again and shop lifting as well. I had to show my husband this and now he is disappointed and mad at his daughter.
How do I amke my husband see his daughter for who she is and get her help for her drug use? He thinks I am just maligning her because I don't like her and she has "improved so much."
Oh boy. That is a lot to deal
Oh boy. That is a lot to deal with. Her problems must run very deep, way beyond something that can just be addressed with any kind of punishment. From cutting to purging, shoplifting...all this speaks of someone who needs help right away. I would try and talk to your husband in those terms. There is a lot to be seriously worried about here. She needs help. This is beyond her trying to change. She may be trying but she may not succeed alone. Anyone who hurts themselves and has an eating disorder has serius issues with self esteem and lacks love for themselves. Please get her the caring help she needs. My heart goes out to you; living with someone like that is so painful and frustrating.
Dh ignoring this isn't helping her at all. If he does not think this is serious, there are plenty of websites that can help him understand how dangerous this is. It is almost impossible to deal with without outside help.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your comments. Could you point me to the websites you mentioned?
Sorry...I just noticed your
Sorry...I just noticed your request. I'll look them up when I get home after work today.
I think you are doing a great
I think you are doing a great job at pointing it out to him already. You showed him the face book and now it is up to your dh to do what needs to be done.
But the thing is that your dh NEEDS be on her like there is NO TOMORROW!! Or that kid is going to be LOST! He HAS to step up be a dad no matter what, he has to do something before it is too late. I don't know what but he has to figure that out. ASAP! (((hugs)))
Thanks for the pep talk. I
Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it.
How do I amke my husband see
How do I amke my husband see his daughter for who she is and get her help for her drug use?
- you can't make him do anything. He will see what he wants to see.
He thinks I am just maligning her because I don't like her and she has "improved so much."
-typical. This is because no matter what is going on you are still finding evidence to the contrary and he doesn't want to see it. You are setting yourself up as the bad guy by being the "snitch". You really aren't, you are trying to help her and trying to get him to be more strict. He doesn't want to though. He wants to take each "little improvement" and say see my daughter is fine.
My SD15 didn't do drugs, but she was failing school and putting inappropriate pics on FB. I used to tell SO things I found. Things I found out too about school. He just dropped it and didn't do anything. She's not THAT bad. He would just end up mad at me.
OK FINE SO. I let it go. Fast forward to today, she failed most of last school year she had lots of cleavage pics up and was talking like a grown man in a bar to other men. What female gets into insult contests with boys and says "Suck your fathers' ___" ?
The kind that no one monitors online.
Since I took myself out of the equation SO was forced to see SD for what she was. Someone who lies to her father about school, doesn't do homework and likes having her boobs looked at and commented on in a public forum.
Facebook was taken down and phone taken away. All was great this summer, she would be on good behavior. No low cut anything, polite, came for a lot of the summer to "see dad". Now that school has started and she is back with her friends, it will all start again. Not right away, but it will come eventually.
All I can say is that when it REALLY starts to affect your relationship with DH, then remove yourself from it. DOn't let it come between you two.
I really appreciate the time
I really appreciate the time you took to do a point by point analysis. This has really helped me. It also helps to see I am not the only one in this situation.
I agree with alwaysanxious, I
I agree with alwaysanxious, I saw all the same stuff going on with SD here, with SS too but he was too crafty and did not get caught as often, and I disengaged from dealing with the discipline issues. DH pretty quickly saw for himself how it really is. A juvenile judge saw a lot too! Now DH has to attend counselling sessions on conference calls from a secure juvenile facility with SD and those currently responsible for her.
It's heartbreaking but I realized that there's really nothing I can do, except lay down boundaries for behaviors towards me personally.
It's worth mentioning that the more often I told DH stuff the more often he went into denial, best let him see for himself, right?
I resumed several of my hobbies, maintained my relationship with DH, stayed cordial with SKids and butted out of what he did/did not do with or towards the kids. They had the choice of listen to me or learn the hard way.
SD has now said to me that she realizes why I did what I did back then, so there's some introspection going on with her and that's a positive thing.
SKids were spoiled, entitled, little brats and DH was in denial! It took me disengaging to make him actually realize a lot of stuff. He went into a depression when a counsellor forced him to consider a few facts...it's hard on guys to accept these issues so please be prepared when the reality actually does hit him and, as counter intuitive as this sounds, you need to support him in his awakening. Good luck!
Thanks. I have found that I
Thanks. I have found that I can only lay down things against me personally as well. However, my Sd doesn't respect that either. Though my husband does after many exhausting fights agree that she needs to respect my rules of contact with her, it is pretty exhausting and I am at the end of my tether sometimes with that.
Here is one link. It's been
Here is one link.
It's been three years since my ex's sisters's daughter tried to kill herself. She was cutting, vomiting, running away, stealing and cutting school for a couple of years before it got worse and worse. She was in an inpatient treatment and got better and then it happened again. I lost touch with them. I was only marginally involved but started reading around the web and it was pretty scary. Maybe your family doctor could talk to your husband about the dangers of her behavior. I am really sorry you are dealing with this. I really am.
I have 3 stepkids, SD 16, SS
I have 3 stepkids, SD 16, SS 15, & SS 13 and BD 7. The 16 year old daughter has been a thorn in my side for years, but has gotten worse the past 6 months. She has started out by getting busted shoplifting at amusement park with boyfriend at the time, says she was trying to impress her friends. Her punishment was to pay us back the $50.00 for the fine and the $53.00 for the class her and her dad had to go to for 3 hours so it wouldn't be on her record and she was to be grounded until she worked for the money to pay it off, and she couldn't be allowed to borrow it from anyway. She got her internet privilages taken away and not able to use the home phone (she has no cell phone)which was taken away way back for not following home & school rules. She had finally did what she was supposed to with the money (almost anyways, (so her Dad was letting her have a little time with her friends, and she would stay out all night saying she was at a friends house when she was actually staying at her 20 year old boy friends house. She then would have his (sister) but were supposed to believe its his Mom asking if she could stay the weekend to help with a gargage sale because no one in her family could help, we weren't fools, and didn't call her back to give the ok, Daaaaaa, wer not fools. Well, another night she stayed out late, came home, and we were talking about her and I said you know she probably isn't even in her room right now, and that he should check her room, yes, she snuck right back out and was leaving with him, and my husband texted her boyfriend and said ot bring her back right now, and he did. And she was so mad that I could predict what she would do, and now she hates me more because I know the tricks. She has cut her self mutliple times, as she says trying to commit suicide, which we know is just attention seeking behavior because she wants sympathy to whoever she get it from. She tells stories to her friends that she has it so bad here and is afraid to go home. She ran away recently, packed up about 5 bags of stuff, cut her window screen, tied blankets together and left in a ride from her friend. The friend that told the security guard at school is that she is concerned for her friends safety at home. They didn't know what to do with it at the time until we were trying to get a hold of all the teachers, couselors, principal the next day to see if she is at school, since she ran away last night, and in fact, she did got to school, which was surprising and was told that she better get on the bus after school and go home. My husband is now being less strict with her because he doesn't want her to run away, which I do not agree with. She says she wants nothing from me and me to put my two cents in basically so I have chosen not to anymore, atleast for the most part. I will not go out of my way anymore for her, which is a relief in a way, but you know it still hurts that she really hates me and makes me into this bitch. Well, be back when I can, my 7 year old demands my attention.
ETCETERA---Oh, Yes, I have
ETCETERA---Oh, Yes, I have time and time again to take my daughter and move out to an apartment with just the two of us, even looked at prices of apartments. But so far, I just can't do it. I do love my husband, and I know he loves me and he's lucky I do, or I think I would have been gone already. Also, if we hadn't had our 7 year old, I think I would have bailed on too, since having step kids is much harder than I thought. You think it might be easier with the BM out of the picture, but it just makes things even harder, especially for the ones that have not forgotten her. The 16 year old I know remembers her, and misses her alot. But she just misses her Mom, but doesn't truly know how her Mom actually was. She was not a very nice person, she was all about her and what she could get out of people, and would use the kids all the time to hurt their BD. Her Dad wants to be honest with her about her Mom, but I tell him that he has to wait. As long as she is still underage, I don't think he can be honest about it yet. It may just be considered child abuse to talk so hurtful about their mother even though it would be the truth. I think she still blames her Dad for the break up, even though it was actually the Mom that caused the whole thing. She may even think I took her Dad away from her Mom, even though he was already divorced when we met. Recently the SD has been better. The SD has seen a doctor about a couple of weeks ago, and put her on medication, one for depreassion and the other for OCD & depression, I think that one helps not be so focused on trying to blame everyone on everything that she thinks is wrong in her life. Of course, she still does face her part in how she is not making her life better for herself. She is less confrontational now and she is actually coming home by curfew. As far as we know she is not drinking and smoking when she goes out, so hopefully she will not continue making a habit of that anymore of that. We'll just need to check her when she comes home to make sure she is sober. To help her learn that we don't need to do everything for her, we told her a month ago she had to start doing her own laundry. We provide the soap, fabric softener, washer and dryer, but she has to do it all her self, and guess what, her hamper of clothes is still sitting there and not attempting to touch. I wonder if she thinks we will cave and just do it. It won't happen. I got tired of her clean clothes getting mixed in with her dirtier clothes and having to wash them again, and we figured if she had to do them herself she would actually put them away so she wouldn't be rewashing clean clothes. She has ALOT of clothes, so she has to run out eventually, right? Hopefully she will not rewear her dirty clothes. Eeeekk, Ewwww! Well, 7 year olds room is a mess again, I will have to attempt to get her to clean it again. It doesn't help when she goes to Grandma's she comes back with new toys, it's just neverending of toys, I may have to recycle again, and get some more items out of the room to make it controllable. Oh yeah, I myself also with through what the 16 year old has been through, I wasn't an innocent teen either, but atleast I did know when I needed to take blame and ownership of my mistakes. So we are just waiting for her to get with reality and stop making excuses for everything. The time will come I hope. Thanks for your input on our issues, all advice is good advice.