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Dinner for daughter and her boyfriend...

Invisible91's picture

So, today is one of our anniversary dates ( three-year engagement anniversary), and SO unfortunately HAS to work (although she works from home, so it isn't too bad). She told me she was going to make hamburgers and asparagus for dinner, and then texted her daughter asking her if she and her boyfriend can make it. Her daughter's response: "Yes, after he gets out of class at 8:30", to which SO responded: "Okay, let me know when you're on your way, and I'll have it ready!".
We didn't actually have any plans today, but it would have been nice if we could have made some plans to have our own dinner since it is our anniversary.

Disneyfan's picture

Did she know it was a special day??? Honestly, it would never occur to me to celebrate the day I got engaged. ExDFbused to drive me crazy with wanting to celebrate the day we met. I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. I would go along with whatever he planned, but I never planned a thing. Hell, half the time I forgot all about it until he mentioned it-after getting all butt hurt because I forgot again.

Cover1W's picture

DP does this, calls it our "monthiversary." I think it's very sweet and funny.
I forget almost every month but he ALWAYS remembers.
He doesn't hold it against me and nothing is expected.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Oh crap, am I supposed to remember the day I got engaged? Dang I suck at being a girl.

Someone cooking me dinner....awesome. Complaining that the child also gets to have a hot dinner..... Ridiculous.

WalkOnBy's picture

the ONLY reason that I know what day DH and I got engaged is because it was Christmas morning.

Hey - I should really be having TWO celebrations that day, shouldn't I??

WTF...REALLY's picture

Double fun! Extra presents for you.

My hubby got married to Denture Debbie at Christmas......good times. Blum 3

moeilijk's picture

I dunno. I get people are different, but sometimes 'different' is code for 'high-maintenance.'

If you want something special, arrange it yourself. I don't value anniversaries all that much, but I do like it when the ones I love make a big fuss over me from time to time. So when I feel like I want that, I ask for it. And if DH doesn't jump all over it, I arrange it myself and inform him of where and when he can show up for dinner, and what gift he will be bearing. It makes things much easier because then there are no games about expectations and hints, there's just communication and trust.

WalkOnBy's picture

Hmm - DH and I celebrate our first date and our wedding anniversary. Both sans kids.

I agree with Justforthis.

It's a Tuesday. Period. Third anniversary of getting engaged? Ugh.

Waaaaaaaaay too many celebrations. Not everything is a special occasion. Sounds like a skid, to be honest }:)

boozlendidsmom's picture

Wow, I don't even remember the day of our first date or the date of the day we got engaged. I'm terrible with dates. However, I know that such things are way more important to some folks than they are to others. If this is something you would usually mark in some way and you found that you had to share it with the sk that you don't even really want to be around (and dinner was being held up until the sk's boyfriend could get there) I can understand why you might feel annoyed. I hope you find a way to celebrate a day that is special to you.