Awesome Weekend!!!
i can not believe how lucky i am. Boyfriend has a 15yo Daughter. we are ALL new at this "step" thing. BM has has boyfriends in and out of her life for 15 years - but i am the first girlfriend her father has bought around her. they have a VERY close bond and wonderful relationship. and she really could have made me be that KINK in their relationship that screwed it all up.
i really didnt know how she was going to take to me. she has been shy and quiet, but respectful toward me for the past 4-5 months.
she is fabulous!! we TALK - its not Forced. she tells me stories about her friends and whats going on in her life.
took her to the store to get a card for her mom, we stopped and picked up a few little things - and she said THANK YOU! that completely took me by surprise.
Yeah - we have issues / bumps with BM but as far as his daughter goes....this is going to be just AWESOME!
sorry - - - had to share with SOMEONE!
Same here. My SKIDS aren't
Same here.
My SKIDS aren't allowed to like me.
BM tries to cause issues but
BM tries to cause issues but daughter knows what her mom is trying to do. kis is very smart.
i just hope that BM realizes that she is pushing the kid away from her and closer to Dad and me by acting so childish.
I hope so too! I would love
I hope so too! I would love to see a KID win sometimes!!! You know???
Good luck....... I like to
Good luck....... I like to call those first few months the "honeymoon phase"
But truly I hope it works out. If it does you must share with all us warted SM's who don't have that..