18 year old step son from hell!!
My husband and I have been married for 14 years he has a 18 almost 19 year old son we have a 7 year old son together and a baby on the way. My step son was 1 when I meet my husband and lived with his mom. My SS mom dated a lot of men and moved around a lot. SS got in trouble starting at an early age. At 9 we took full custody of him. He still always seemed to get in trouble and always lied to everyone. He started stealing from family friends at school money i pods. He behavior seemed to always get worse not better no matter what we did. When he started his juinor year in high school we told him he had to get a job. he worked for 2 weeks then got fired. We found that he started using drugs. The fights in our house got to the point they were out of control. He was always failing his classes liying goin to class when he wanted always late. We started getting bad kids coming to our house. when he turned 18 he thought he made the rules at our house. 3 times we did not allow him to go with his friends so he told his dad he was moving out. my husband would let him come back. The last time we let him back and tired it again we told him it was the last time. We have a young son that is being exposed to this. After ss was gone for 4 days my husband took him out of school and moved him to his moms. he lasted there for a week in a half. he left school and his moms and told his parents he was moving in with a friend. we told him that people don't let you live with them for free. After 3 months him and 2 other friends got an apartment. SS got fired from his job. Come his 300.00 1st rent payment he can't pay it. I did not know at the time that my husband paid it. SS would send messages to his dad that he needed food. 2 weeks after my husband paying his rent SS got himself and his buddies kicked out of the apartment because of the complaints of the drugs. SS then stayed with a friend for a couple of days trying to get his dad to let him move back in our house. My ss called me and asked to see if I would let him come back til he could come up with a plan. He has already had 5 jobs. I asked him what his plan was and how he was going to do it. He did not want to talk about it. A week later he was calling again. This time I told him to call his mom. He did not like that answer. After he has burned all his friends and his family he called again to come to our house. My husband called his ex-wife and come to find out she had picked him up for the weekend for a family party and he was caught on a nanny cam stealing $400 from his mom and an Ipod. When ss called again to come to our house I told my husband no way. The amount of money he has stolen and the drugs we have a 7 year old son and I am high risk expecting in January. My husband took him to a homeless shelter for the night thinking this might open his eyes to life if he does not make some changes in his life. My husband picked him up the next day and took him to rehab. come to find out during the day while my ss was waiting for his dad to pick him up ss got high and had $200 in his pocket. SS does not have a job. Ss has been in rehab for 4 days. He calls his dad to bring him cigs. I am at witts end. SS is only at rehab right now cause he had no where else to go. when he gets out of rehab or leaves on his own I will not live in the same house as him. I don't want him around our other kids. No one in my family trusts him because he has stolen from everyone. He is an adult now not a child. What to do? everyday we find out something else he has done to someone. We can't afford to keep paying for his mistakes. My husband always tries to give him another chance but he does not trust him either. this has brought so much stress into our house. My husband has aged 10 years in the past few months our 7 year old has had to listen to the arguments. When is enough enough? I am way past done with the crap!
Wow...so sorry to hear about
Wow...so sorry to hear about your situation. It was enough long ago. Nobody would bring drugs into my home twice. This kid needs some serious tough love. If that means living on the streets, that is his choice. You cannot endanger your son or baby-to-be, especially with a high risk pregnancy. IMHO, you should NOT let SS back into your home. What if your 7 year old were to stumble onto some drugs, not know what they were, and take them? That is not a role model I would let my child emulate. I hope he gets cleaned up, but from the addicts I've seen and known, it takes way more than one time in rehab. And they can get pretty desperate if they need a fix. Time for daddy to cut the cord and let SS suffer the consequences for his actions.
That's hard. I can identify
That's hard. I can identify though......one of my SSs had a real thing about stealing. We took him to counseling for it, and setting fires, when he was 15. I thought the message from the counselor would have turned him around but it did not. He is 29 now, last I knew lived with his mom and was still stealing. The other boy was the mouth and thought he could do and say anything he wanted. When he turend 18 he thought it was his right to come and go as he pleased and if he wanted to bring porn in the hosue and sleep at his girlfriend's house he could not understand why we had an objection.....we also had a little one in the house. He became violent and so my husband told him he had to leave.....lots of lies but her did move out. He went into the military and while he still is not an honest person, it did something positive for him. He's claiming he's getting out but at least for now he has structure and guidence. Maybe this is a possibility for your SS as well?